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Everything posted by Mrloud15

  1. Ban information: Ban for darthvodka on c.nerd.nu for rail grief on P nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2012-03-27 00:00:06 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and totemo will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  2. Probably not, so please be patient and bhrossman will be with you as soon as they can.
  3. Hello TheButlah, thank you for being honest. I am willing to give you another chance, so please read the rules and reply here stating that you have read and will follow them.
  4. Hello auzzue, well you wait I would suggest you answer the question Tharine asked you in your original appeal. It appears that there are several accounts associated with the account name Auzzue, as well as the IP you're appealing from, all of which are currently banned from our servers. Can you elaborate at all on what connections you have to these accounts: rockykid99:Ban for rockykid99 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. Offensive/trolling chat. nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2013-03-29 10:17:45 (1 more bans, no notes) aoiferox: Ban for aoiferox on c.nerd.nu for Minor griefing nerd.nu/appeal by mschmidt02 on 2011-11-03 13:24:11 (2 more bans, no notes) saber777: Ban for saber777 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C with littlethreat. Avon fanboy. nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2012-03-12 19:54:46 (10 more bans, 4 notes) samrox: Ban for samrox on c.nerd.nu for xray on event by alansmithee331 on 2012-04-15 13:29:00 (3 more bans, 1 notes) Edit: Added ban information
  5. Original appeal. Ban information: Ban for auzzue on c.nerd.nu for Extreme grief, potential nukehacks nerd.nu/appeal by starshell on 2011-11-05 17:15:58 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and Tharine will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  6. Ban information: Ban for JacobS528 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on S nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2012-03-25 17:33:48 (no more bans, no notes) Please be patient and trevorman will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  7. You just have to post a reply in this post.
  8. Ban information: Ban for CheesyNinjas on c.nerd.nu for homophobic chat by cyotie911 on 2013-08-29 23:41:29 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and cyotie911 will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  9. Ban information: Ban for kckc9 on c.nerd.nu for griefing on C with enteih20 nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2013-08-30 02:04:53 (2 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and cyotie911 will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  10. Please read the rules and reply here stating that you have read and will follow them.
  11. Closing due to inactivity. If you would like to be unbanned, please make a new appeal stating that you have read and will follow the rules.
  12. Closing due to inactivity. If you would like to be unbanned, please make a new appeal stating that you have read and will follow the rules.
  13. Closing due to inactivity. If you would like to be unbanned, please make a new appeal stating that you have read and will follow the rules.
  14. Closing due to inactivity. If you would like to be unbanned, please make a new appeal stating that you have read and will follow the rules.
  15. Closing due to inactivity. If you would like to be unbanned, please make a new appeal stating that you have read and will follow the rules.
  16. Ban information: Ban for st33lers94 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. No constructive edits. nerd.nu/appeal by barlimore on 2012-10-08 23:14:52 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and Barlimore will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  17. Ban information: Ban for kettner100 on c.nerd.nu for griefing on s - farms, signs, wool, glass nerd.nu/appeal by uni0 on 2013-05-24 01:20:51 (1 more bans, 1 notes) Please be patient and uni0 will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  18. Ban information: Ban for Minecraft9Dude on c.nerd.nu for Diamond block grief nerd.nu/appeal by TheRandomnatrix on 2013-04-13 03:00:01 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and TheRandomnatrix will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  19. Ban information: Ban for dragon99boy on c.nerd.nu for griefing w/no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by TheDonVito17 on 2012-11-30 17:44:44 (1 more bans, no notes) Please be patient and TheDonVito17 will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  20. Ban information: Ban for TheButlah on c.nerd.nu for grief no edits nerd.nu/appeal by superjjskate on 2012-03-28 00:17:54 (no more bans, no notes) Please be patient and superjjskate will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
  21. Play with blocks! You are unbanned.
  22. Hello hotmortyyy254, sorry for banning you. It was a mistake. You are unbanned.
  23. Hello Hbausx, I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, so please go to minecraft.net and change your password to make sure your account is secured. After you have done that please read over the rules and reply here saying you have done both of those and I will unban you. Ban information: Ban for Hbausx on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. No constructive edits. Wool spam. nerd.nu/appeal by mrloud15 on 2013-03-10 21:33:50 (no more bans, no notes)
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