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Posts posted by gdavison

  1. Honestly, that could still be an issue with favoritism. "why are none of the new portals near my city?" "why is one of the new portals right near city x?" Even if the admins pre-decided where the portals should go, that might still be an issue.


    Yeah, you're right.  I do think we can trust the admins if they say the locations were pre-selected though.  Hopefully somewhere out of the way, so they don't end up beside someone's house).

    • Upvote 1
  2. I'm totally on board with the idea of changing up the portal system on P, if only for a different style of play for the beginning of revisions.  Someone suggested before that we should put the nether portals in hard-to-find places like end portals are -- in the middle of a cave system inside a mountain, for example.


    I don't think awarding portals is a good idea though.  The admins have to work hard to avoid accusations of favouritism and drama, and having them make any kind of judgment call in awarding something as valuable as a portal is a recipe for just that.  I do like the idea of late revision portals -- what if a couple of extra portals were to spring up out of nowhere three months in to the rev?  I think it could liven up what I personally consider a pretty dreary endgame.

  3. To be honest this post feels a little bit like a witch hunt.

    I'm unsure how making old mods go through the process again would serve the community better. If someone has proven they can do the job before, and then some time passes and they want to do it again, why would going through the process again be better for anyone? Quickly re-modding people has no effect on the "new mod" discussions or how many new mods get selected, as far as it seems to me anyway.

    • Upvote 4
  4. Sorry to drop the conversation here, I think this an important issue and I'm glad we're talking about it.


    I agree, however it does seem that in this case, the user base seems to want an application to become staff.  I feel that instead of just not giving them one, we just add something into the application that states something along the lines of "Not everyone who applies becomes staff, if you are one of these people do not let this dishearten you, instead ask what you might do to better yourself and possibly try again later."


    I agree they want it, and it pains me to admit that I think what's best for them isn't want they want.  If the decision is made to allow applications, I'd love to see the apply for mod page change into a lot less "we're the mods and we have the power" and more "we'd love to welcome responsible people to our team."



    gdavison you have hit the nail right on. I spent a long time after joining wanting to be mod but not wanting to ask in-case I pissed off the staff team. The nerd.nu/applyformod page is clearly a joke however we could just write on the page that if you really have the community at heart you can ask a mod/admin to add your name to a brainstorm. I feel a lot of people just enjoy the applyformod page so I wouldn't remove it just change it to show the player who to ask ect. Also I can't speak for everyone but I've only ever used that page for brand new players demanding op.


    Thanks buzzinbee.  As you may have guessed I'm really not a fan of the apply for mod page ;) -- it may be a joke but it's definitely got an outsiders-vs-insiders kind of vibe to it.  I hope the admins are discussing this elsewhere (I recently learned there was an "admin chat" section of the forums :) or if they're not then I hope more of y'all can chime in here.  If you guys want I can design a new page for mod applications.  I don't find web development to be much fun but I can do a single static page with a form =)



  5. I started to write a response to this, and changed my opinion mid-way, so I have to re-write everything =)

    I think in this case, we should cater to the player here, not the convenience of staff.  Us knowing who wants to be a moderator before we ask is so minor compared to what the player would go through.

    I can't help but relate this to my own experience.  I played on these servers for two years (admittedly with a big hole of inactivity in the middle), and after I settled into the servers and considered them mine, I wanted to be a mod too.  If I had applied and been quietly turned down, I think it would have been worse to feel more 'directly' ignored than 'subtly' ignored, like the current system.  It did suck to see a list of mod noms without my name, but what's being proposed would have led to more bad feelings on my end.  We want people to feel as good and as welcome as possible on these servers.  I think we can ignore the the case were people do become mods, because that's sunshine and roses all around no matter what. 

    I do think we should quietly drop the policy that "telling us that you want to be a mod is bad," and we should definitely delete the page at nerd.nu/applyformod, which screams of circlejerk, inside jokes, and is subtly powertripping.  It's not professional at all, which seems to be what we're trying to move toward. :)  We could replace it with a page outlining our position (or maybe even linking to this discussion), minus the text box and ponies.


    • Upvote 5
  6. >How would you enforce this?


    Exactly. That's what this discussion is for. I never imagined such standards would be "enforced," as enforceable PvE rules are generally much less onerous. But they'd at least provide notice of the responsibilities that the community believes accompany a portal, to those who have not previously claimed one. And if a city claims a portal but fails to meet these standards, they could be discouraged from claiming one in the future.


    Most likely, such standards would simply be advisory, and failure to follow them would lead to nothing more than loss of reputation among fellow carebears (e.g. "Hey, remember back in Rev12, when sansapants claimed a portal, then made a crap city with no rails that was dead after two weeks? What a wanker!"). But if standards help prevent a group from claiming a portal if they know the wouldn't be able to meet the standards, it could prevent a portal being underutilized.


    Or maybe failure to meet standards, perhaps coupled with absentee region owners, could entice a padmin to add members to a region containing an underutilized portal (or even alter ownership of the region), so as to allow improvements to the infrastructure.


    I think for the most part, the community does a good job of ensuring this anyway.  I can only really think of one portal city that that didn't do something close to this.  Nether rail doesn't have direct lines this rev but it does have CARBON which is pretty cool and comes pretty close.  I think any group that wants to create a portal city would pretty much want to build everything on this list.



    • Upvote 2
  7. :/ meh, I think I mentioned this before, but I feel this is in a way, loosing ourselves.  I don't mind joining forces with other players, but this is something like remaking the city entirely. 


    Yeah, I've been getting a lot of pushback on the idea.  There was a lot of planning for Seneca's core done already -- I think it was thefigg88 who has designed a 300m diameter circular centre, with the districts sprouting off of it on all sides.


    It looks like Seneca will just go ahead with the original plan, which is to create Seneca r12, and see how it goes at the beginning of the rev.  I would like to see a massive urban area on the map, but I don't think it's going to happen next revision. :smile:


    This was sort of done in the past and it didn't go well as I understand. It needs so much municipal planning, as things like farms and underground development can cause issues.

    Bräunecador (Bräum and Seneca twinned, with Endor as a Seneca district) would be a good test of that. Bromgoth had one single farm in the middle, and rail was left to each half.


    I guess my thought was that we'd accept the "not going well" part as a trade-off for having lots of people around, to see, talk to, and for new players to meet.  I love active areas and I love the idea of a lot of people playing in one area of the map.  I find that location on the map does mean something -- it's easier to say hi to someone when you see their avatar in-game than it is to just say hi in chat.



    Building up before out can be used to save space.


    copied from the reddits:


    I want a 3D city of some sort. Like huge multipurpose skyscrapers with lots of walkways between them. We could start by building buildings with 1-4 'plots' on each floor (10-20 vertical blocks a floor) that people can use to make apartments, landing pads, farms, or what not.


    So the way I see it, the first step would be to come up with a basic material theme for each tower. This can be done on creative or a planning server.

    When the rev starts we would make 'plots' - Basically just build the skeleton of the tower with some stairs/water elevator in the center - this wouldn't be all that much different than terraforming out plots.


    Not sure if there would be 'rules' about what is built on the plots, but ideally builds would use all their y axis and use materials that look reasonable with the frame materials (stone or sandstone most likely at first - netherbrick and wool later)


    Whenever we need more plots we could just add a layer to an existing tower or build on bridges between towers.


    As far as infrastructure goes, there would be pretty intricate mass transit system - imagine going from the spleef stadium on say building 4 floor 7, to the farms in building 1 basement.


    I love the idea of skycrapers with hugh sky bridges linking them (preferable over surface roads). I've always wanted to do a city that looks and feels like a real city (lots and lots of black wool for the roads D:). I was toying with the idea for Creative, but I'd make it work on PvE - I've never let the daunting task of materials gathering stop me before and I won't now!


    That being said I've "promised" myself to Seneca for Rev's start and a plot, but as is often the case, I finish a project and just need more. I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open for projects like this! :)


    These are all great ideas, and I'd love to see places on the map like this!  I'm not a big builder but having buildings that were used for residential with cool suspended walkways between them would be awesome.  I'd help out as much as I could.



  8. I was thinking about the PvE experience recently, especially after the creeper spawner was found.  Hordes of would-be grinder builders descended on the area, eager to help.  There was far more people there than were actually useful, but still people hung out there.  People gravitated to the activity.


    What if a lot of cities decided to build next to each other?  Instead of a 'city' it would be a neighbourhood in a city.  Cities would lose a little independence, in terms of their location and biome, but the draw would be building in an area that always has people walking around and projects going down.  It would be giving up the small-town perfection feel for the active, chaotic vibe of a big city.  If one district went dead (and you know that's going to happen), then the survivors wouldn't be out of luck.  No one would be 'selling out their city' by working with others since we'd all be citizens of MegaCity (name to be decided!)

    There are some big downsides to this though.  We'd need a LOT of land.  What if one district ran out of space against a mountain?  What if we started encountering other small builds as we expanded out?  And of course there's the inevitable drama that comes with land disputes -- the districts would have to work at being good neighbours.  Whatever the hurdles, I think it would be a worthwhile experiment.  And it's going to happen at some level anyway, with Seneca, Shady Oaks, and possibly Endor and Argoth joining forces.  Of course the point of some towns is the idyllic small town setting, so I wouldn't expect everyone to join.


    I'd love to hear everyone's reaction, including staff, who would have to deal with any BS generated by this.

    • Upvote 1
  9. LWC doesn't have an option to do that.  For the shared materials chests of towns it might be useful, but for individuals within towns it would suck, since everyone in the town could access your private chests.


    Yeah, I suppose such a thing would be more convenient for myself and longer-term players, and it just clicked that the goal here is to protect new players, not force them to learn LWC.  Motion retracted!

  10. I suppose I should fire away.  This is my first time in Italy after I emerged from the beautiful Milano Centrale train station.




    A few minutes after I snapped this pic, a lanky dude ran by me awkwardly clutching a bag.  Hearing shouting behind me, I turned around to see three cops running after him.  It was super surreal and a timely reminder for a rookie traveller like myself.  I held my phone a lot closer to me after that!

    • Upvote 2
  11. and for some reason I'm in a bit of a boasting mood today, so here's a poor scan of me meeting the President in the Oval Office  :biggrin:


    Wow that's incredible Thrawn.  I had no idea we were in the presence of royalty.  It's like a little bit of that power was transferred to you or something...

  12. That's killing or stealing though; not trading.


    Re grinders, I am unclear; for example, there are several iron-grinders which have very limited access to the public and take part of their output for the 'owners' - for example, the huge thing in Seneca. So that is presumably acceptable? But it's not acceptable to make a different type of grinder and restrict access?


    I'd just lke to state for the record that Seneca's iron grinder is 75% public output. We're not hoarding the iron. :)


    I agree that auto-collecting grinders shouldn't be private, especially ones that use like an iron grinder does.

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