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About Abiuv

  • Birthday November 12

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    New York

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  1. Hey, I was wondering if my ban could be looked over again now. I haven't appealed for 4 months, and I haven't evaded since July. I still think having it set at May 2018 is a bit silly considering the server will most likely be dead by then, or I'll have lost interest.
  2. Just to add, I'd appreciate it if I wasn't banned from the forums until after this appeal has been settled, considering I can't reply to my own appeal now.
  3. Aren't there NoCheat+ logs for fly hacking? Wouldn't you have had these going off If I was fly hacking?
  4. Was I moving side to side? As you would while grinding?
  5. Really, I'm not lying at all, I don't know how I can prove I WASN'T fly hacking. I was afk for around 10 minutes. The only thing I have installed for Minecraft is Optifine, as I play on a laptop.
  6. I was banned on Survival for fly hacking. I know I was banned in the past for a few things, but I wasn't fly hacking. I went afk and came back to this. I assume it was lag from afking in the middle of using the grinder, I don't really know.
  7. Ok, Tharine, seeing as how I don't really have anything as a response, I fully recognize that harassment will not be tolerated on any of the servers.
  8. I was banned for harassment. I'm assuming it's involved with me and N00ble_6 saying things to (player name redacted) recently. But, while I do think we may have gone a bit too far, a fair deal of trash talk came from (player name redacted) also, if I remember correctly. Don't really know what else to put in the appeal..
  9. I'm not exactly a prominent PvPer, but lag is an issue in fighting. One issue I get is random lag-spikes while doing something fighting related, with these leaving a player quite vulnerable to the other player(s).
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