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Posts posted by BCB228

  1. This is simple...

    Down votes were removed because of problems and unnecessary drama created by them. People were (as stated earlier in this thread) going through and down voting every post certain people were making. (This wasnt just a staff problem and after a poll it seemed as if the community agreed) If those of you who were doing that would like to continue, go visit the sub reddit, where we have no control of. However, since we do have control over this forum, we removed it. I don't think there has ever been a case where someone has abused the up vote button.

    How it is now? Well if you don't like a comment, just don't reply or reply stating that you don't like it and give a reason. Be productive to the conversations on the forum. Unlike down voting something and being counter productive. And yes, that's more or less what the down vote button did. It left the comment maker wonder what you didn't like about his comment, what would you change or if there was a better idea you had, what was it?

    Bottom line, the down votes aren't coming back anytime soon. You have been given options for you to continue to project your disapproval with a comment but down voting is no longer one of them.


    • Upvote 1
  2. Okay, so with the current system, I downvote the comment I disagree with and then upvote someone elses comment explaining why I disagree.

    Upvotes and downvotes show at a glance how many people agree or disagree with a comment.

    Without downvotes, you have to make a comment entirely about how that person is wrong, which is much more confrontational, and will lead to more arguments, hurt feelings and "drama."

    I agree, its a simple system. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. I think the current system is considerably more than the lesser of any evil options. If we switched to public voting by anyone then we could never change back. If we switched I think we'd be bouncing between different implementations with no real difference between them, nothing stopping anger and gaming the system building up. The current system is out of our hands. By not feeling in control of this, we don't feel in control of a million things that follow on from mod nominations, the tasks those mods do. It is better that way, there's already so much discussion over what happens just when the admins offer us some options. I'd like the admins to reign in what the playerbase thinks the playerbase is in control of. It would make the fewer discussions better and calmer, because we can only feel in control of less. I wouldn't like to see changes go through based on comparing ideals of one person's idea with the reality of the current setup. The reality of the idea is just as messy, if not worse. Some people say - ideal communism > ideal democracy > real world democracy > real world communism. I'm trying to be mildly radical because a new group of ideas that comes out of one spark can be very beneficial, but it does require seeing the idea for itself, not who said it.

    you try to hard

    • Upvote 6
  4. So your argument is you don't want people to vote for their friends on the other servers? If you haven't read this thread, peoples concerns are more towards people ignoring the other servers in favor for their home server.

    Besides from that, splitting up server permissions would only cause a greater rift than what already exists between our servers. That is a bad thing.

    Yeah, it can be exploited so they get power just to use it on another server they did not get nominated on. Who cares if a player favors one server over the others, they might not enjoy them.


    EeHee2000, on 17 Aug 2014 - 9:16 PM, said:snapback.png

    I agree with your points that a full community vote wouldn't work, now that you've put all that forward.

    However, what about individual server voting? 

    this is kinda what i was thinking about with the voting thing.

  5. Individual server voting wouldn't really work because being a mod on one server = being a mod on the other two.

    Yes it would. Just because you get mod on one of the servers doesn't really mean you need / deserve it on the other two. If the servers had server specific moderators instead of server wide moderators there would be less exploiting for mod. If mod powers were only on 1 server it would stop moderators from pve from voting for a friend  on S so they can get powers and play on pve for example.

    • Upvote 2
  6. The actual gameplay, I'm enjoying that quite a lot, but the incessant shit being hurled around in chat is really starting to piss the regulars off, and I'm failing to see how this is a good sign. All I've seen them do so far is talk shit, and in Slugfrompluto's leaving post on the subreddit they were fucking disgusting. 

    All of those comments have been deleted after you mention them, lol. I hope they are keeping chat appropriate, id hate to see a CivCraft player get banned for inappropriate chat like i did.

    • Upvote 1
  7.  many of which said server vets participated in.

    Such as? I cant think of any "survival veterans" who would think any of the changes make any logical sense at all. All of the do nothing but discourage player interaction. Citadel? Hidden underground bases. No end chest? Less traveling. Prison pearl? Not useful at all for a PVP server. Random spawns? because fuck logical center of the map spawn points.


    I feel like if these changes stay S will turn into PVE

    • Upvote 2
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