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Posts posted by barneygale

  1. Sweet, sounds like we're good to go then!!


    I'll be on mumble on Sunday at 7pm BST (GMT+1) to discuss my plan as it stands. Please come along if you're interested and want to contribute.


    Then I think a few people could build the map (generate roads, build spawn and arena). We'll have worldedit available, but for authenticity sake please don't pre-build anything for pasting.


    If you have hosting spare, let me know. If no one comes forward I'll buy a ramnode VPS.


    We'll also need a small mod team I suppose. Any suggestions on how to choose them?

  2. This might be quite niche, but is anyone interested in creating and playing an unofficial "old school" survival rev? I was thinking Beta 1.7 might be a sweet spot. It's as bug-free as the game got before major modern minecraft features got added, like sprinting, hunger and enchanting.


    I can try and find old craftbukkit and plugin versions, and it shouldn't take long to do the map (flat cardinal roads take <5minutes).


    The game was a lot derpier but it might be fun anyway.


    We could even (if people like this idea) run it as an official interim rev before the next one is properly ready with suitable marketing arranged. Current revs player numbers are pretty horrible, even when factoring in the DDoS.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Just to play devil's advocate here, in the past when players knew a set date the revision would end the servers would be a ghost town for a month before the end of the rev.


    So, assuming we were to go to 4 revs a year on a set schedule, are you guys prepared for the last month of each rev to be basically empty and stagnant?


    I'm basing this off past experience over the last 3 years or so.


    I've actually seen the inverse too. When revs get to 4, 5 months old everyone *feels* like a reset must be imminent, and don't build. The rev might last another month or two.

    • Upvote 1
  4. What exactly do you hope to accomplish with this thread?  Get more people to say "yes" instead of "no" to be a catalyst for change?   Get more people bitching in the hopes that the heads or techs step down?  You address no specific problems to which a solution could be posed, so its not even like you're looking for constructive ideas.


    I definitely agree here. If you think the community is dying, you need:


    1. evidence

    2. suggestions


    Not a poll. It's totally pointless.

    • Upvote 6
  5. On the original topic, I think threads should only be closed if there's a compelling reason to do so, e.g.


    * rule-breaking contents

    * unrecoverable (i.e. warnings are ignored) descent into something off-topic or spammy

    * topics with very little content, or content that duplicates a thread that was active within the last couple of weeks


    It should be a blacklist situation. If forum users gain very little or nothing by closing it, don't close it!

    • Upvote 2
  6. Mrloud, while it's only human to try and see patterns in things, I'd be careful not to see it as groups causing tension. I've seen accusations flying around that portions of the community are essentially a vote brigade, or a brigade of some sorts, where they'll happily support their friends without considering the facts.


    Actually I think almost everyone in the community is good at separating the interests of their friends and the interests of the server nowadays. I will upvote posts I think contribute something original, and do a reasonable job not to let a poster affect my opinion of their post. The majority of the upvotes given to my posts come from people I rarely if ever speak to, and the remaining portion are mostly people I speak to once or twice a week.


    When friends do vote for the same thing (and I have a better relationship with the head admins than most of the people I seem to be grouped with), I want to note that the argument:


    > (they're friends) therefore (they vote for the same things)


    is no more convincing than


    > (they vote for the same things) therefore (they're friends)


    For example, certainly edk is my friend and we'll often be found making the same points, addressing things from the same angle, generally supporting eachothers position, etc. But that's not because we are friends, that's why we are friends!


    I think it's a dangerous thing to think of the community in terms of blocs. When the issue changes, the voices and voters change too. If a staffer starts to think that some parts of the community have organised to discredit them or discredit/destroy nerd, it gives them a convenient internal excuse not to listen to those opinions as much, and to assume bad faith. I'm not accusing you personally of doing this, only that I've seen the odd glimpse of this thinking from other people (not all of whom are on staff).

    • Upvote 2
  7. Sounds good but I'd be careful applying it to noobs. I think we suffer for xraying being a no-exception 1 month ban + full rollback; it makes sense in most situations but it's difficult applying it to very minor xraying. Similar story with evading - noobs might not realise it's against the rules, or have a feeling its wrong but only expect a slap on the wrist.

  8. 4th week stats:

    * 32 peak players (rank 13 of 14; historical average: 60; last rev 24)

    * 5.9 average players (rank 14 of 14; historical average 21.1; last rev 6.1)

    Overall stats for first 4 weeks:

    * 13.0 average players (rank 13 of 14; historical average 29.9; last rev 10.2)

    Compared to rev 15:

    * 73.1% reduction in average players over first 4 weeks

    * 83.4% reduction in average players in 4th week

    • Upvote 2
  9. A's a superhumanly strong playboy shaman haunted by an iconic dead American confidante....

    B's a chain-smoking gypsy college professor who believes she is the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian queen....

    C's a tortured communist bounty hunter descended from a line of powerful witches....


    Today we pit them against eachother...

    In an instant-runoff election!

    You must pick the forum poll option that describes your preferences in order, with "1." being your first preference.

    If no option has a majority in the first round, the option with the fewest votes is eliminated. Those that voted for it have their second-option votes added to the counts for the remaining two candidates.

    Poll closes in 1 week.

    • Upvote 3
  10. It's also worth pointing out that, for all the shit some survival players get for complaining too much on the forums, we see once again that it's only by positing something that would hurt your pride that I get a decent, direct response. Polite requests and suggestions get ignored or brushed off, but when I suggest that you're unwilling or unable to do x or y, some admins are always keen to prove me wrong. I refer you to bash.org:

    <dm> I discovered that you'd never get an answer to a problem from Linux Gurus by asking. You have to troll in order for someone to help you with a Linux problem.

    <dm> For example, I didn't know how to find files by contents and the man pages were way too confusing. What did I do? I knew from experience that if I just asked, I'd be told to read the man pages even though it was too hard for me.

    <dm> Instead, I did what works. Trolling. By stating that Linux sucked because it was so hard to find a file compared to Windows, I got every self-described Linux Guru around the world coming to my aid. They gave me examples after examples of different ways to do it. All this in order to prove to everyone that Linux was better.

    * ion has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

    <dm> brings a tear to my eye... :') so true..

    <dm> So if you're starting out Linux, I advise you to use the same method as I did to get help. Start the sentence with "Linux is gay because it can't do XXX like Windows can". You will have PhDs running to tell you how to solve your problems.

    <dm> this person must be a kindred spirit of mine

    As far as I'm aware this has been the first time any admin has gone through the suggestions and given a response to each, in any form. The meeting took place in January.

    • Upvote 2
  11. From my perspective:


    1. Behind-the-scenes discussions that amounted to nothing, and we were not informed.

    2. Sure, but this was a very simple suggestion

    3. Behind-the-scenes discussions that amounted to nothing, and we were not informed.

    4. Sure

    5. You did not appear to make any additional effort here. Our request was not to continue as you had been.

    6. Sure, but all survival admins are expected to do this anyway. It was also months later.

    7. You did not appear to make any additional effort here. Our request was not to continue as you had been.

    8. Agreed


    So yeah, I take back that nothing was done. I'd say instead that very little was done. The reaction from the admins didn't encourage any more community meetings.

  12. If we should keep upvotes and downvotes because we're the reddit servers, why do we not have threaded discussions too? Why do we not have modmail? Why do we not have subforums that anyone can start and moderate? Etc. You can't cherry-pick one reddit feature and say "we need this because we're the reddit servers".


    If you want to show disapproval at something, leave a reply saying why


    The comparison to mod voting is not a great one because polls and post votes fundamentally serve different purposes. Nothing gets decided from post scores.


    I welcome this change - it seems like a good middle-ground.

    • Upvote 10
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