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Everything posted by Malvagio87

  1. It would have to be hosted on a new server which i expressed i would not mind paying for the first month for. That comment was directed towards Factions servers, like my own and most others, that were/are donation rank driven. I think it would be nice for a Factions server not to have donation ranks which i would believe the Nerd one wouldn't.
  2. Many people now don't remember my name but I was a regular on these servers for a long time. S.NERD.NU is the only reason I played Minecraft and I am thankful for that. Back when I used to play here the game was a lot simpler. · Younger kids did not know what Minecraft was and the average age of the player base was probably around 21-25. · On S you were only allowed to lock 5 chests. · There were no enchantments, potions, or hunger. · You would never think of using diamonds for armor unless you wanted to paint a big kill me target on your back. · Mushroom soup was the meal of choice and you would unload arrows like it was your job. · People would PvP all the time and you generally didn't care about losing your PvP items · And when I would break my glass builds MCondom would explode with warnings and I would see mods pop up left and right. Back then I always bothered Amaranthus to add more plugins and he never did stating that, "We want these servers to be as vanilla as possible." Those were the good old days. However, the game has developed a lot more since then adding a lot of new features which I both understand and agree with since without them the game would have died long ago. I also understand the need to go away from being vanilla since the game has become unbalanced over the updates. When I left I left due to disputes with the staff at that time and created my own server. That was almost 2 years ago. Now that I am done running my server I figured I would come back to where Minecraft started for me and after playing the past few days I have become disappointed in seeing what S.NERD.NU has become. What I see now is a server that has lost its identity. I understand the need to adapt to the changes to the game since if you don’t keep it interesting then no one will play; however, I believe the changes that have been made on S have been made to appease players that want “free stuff” and have discouraged many of the older players that enjoyed playing here from coming back. Essentially what I see S.NERD.NU as today is a factions-ish server wannabe tailoring to players who don’t want to have to work hard for anything. I understand that grinding for hours is not fun and/or players don’t have time to do that, however, you need to find an appropriate balance that still makes the game challenging yet fun to play. Simple clans is a nice plugin and I like the concept behind it, however, I believe that since it has no built in chat functionality it is kind of pointless to use. The colored chat tags do not bother me as it does some people. I would like to see the Clan Tags being enabled under the players’ names as well so that when you are running around you can see who is in what clan. I also do not agree with the fact you cannot hurt your allies or clan members. In a fight if someone swings their sword or throws a potion they should be mindful of when and how they are doing it. Giving protection to allies and clan members just causes people to gang up and button mash away at their opponents taking any real skill at PvPing away from the game. Another thing I do not like is the fact of how easy enchanting is now. I understand the reasoning behind making enchanting easier which I am assuming is to encourage people to PvP more and be less worried about losing their gear. That being said making enchanting as easy as it is now you might as well just give people the /kit command. When you add the XP bonus to mobs + the ability to pick which enchants you want + the ability to remove enchants from items, you take all the challenge out of it. In regards to the beds being enabled I do like this since I usually build very far away from spawn, however, by enabling beds you make players spread out more which decreases the amount of PvPing that will happen. If you have beds enabled I think you should make the map size smaller even though I feel that a radius of 2,000 is small to begin with. Also I am not sure if there are still Arena events held on S but those were some of my favorites to watch and take part in. Having a set schedule of PvP related events on S would be a nice thing to add if it isn’t already. I would also think it would be interesting to do a “Spleef League” on S. I am aware that Spleef is more of a PvE thing, however, I quite enjoy it and just because I am a PvP player doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the PvE elements of the game. That all being said I wouldn’t mind seeing a factions.nerd.nu that isn’t driven by donation ranks. It would be nice to see a factions based server where everyone is equal and you don’t get to buy your way to being good. But these are just my opinions.
  3. Do you like having beds? Yes and NoYes, because I now don't have to run for an hour to get back to my base No, because it spreads players out a lot more since people wont build as close to spawn as they used to Do you like this solution to stop bed camping? Yes and noYes I understand the need to prevent camping however this could be done simply by using combat tag No because it resets my home if I die within 10 blocks of my bed which is annoying when it is done naturally Anything we should change? You could try implementing the combat tag solution for respawn timing and give the player invisibility for 30 seconds to get away.
  4. Here are my two cents. What I like: The chat color tags don't bother me other than the . between the clan and player name. I enjoy the stats that are generated from it, however, the KDR would be nice if it only counted when killing players in armor. What I don't like: I do not like that you cant hurt clan mates or allies. This allows people to throw harmful potions without caring about other people they may hit.What I would like to see added: the /clan cords permission would be cool and helpful. a toggle-able clan chat integrated into the plugin so we wont have to type /c before everything
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