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Everything posted by NinjaWolf

  1. +1 Im nuetral on the matter but willing to fix/remake the plugin if needed or merge it into kitchensink.
  2. This is a repost from my reply on the subreddit post. Two years ago on nerd this same idea was brought up and i went and made it into a working plugin so that was an option but the demand for it died down and it never got implemented. The plugin you linked was made some months after mine, and its outdated. Mine is here:https://github.com/NinjaWolf/PearlControl Once brought up to date it will work fine and can be merged into kitchensink instead of using a whole new plugin. My plugin is completely configurable If any admins would like me to update it or make a commit to kitchensink as a new feature just let me know.
  3. Why are you such an abooossiive admin????
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