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Everything posted by Cyotie911

  1. "Friends" with close to the same name, Banned minutes apart, Appealed, by chance, minutes apart, and somehow appealed from the same IP address? Not likely. Appeal denied. This account is Permanently banned.
  2. Troll appeal.. Please come back when you would like to make a proper appeal.
  3. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban appeal.
  4. Please reply back after you have taken all appropriate steps to secure your account (i.e. changing your password). Once you confirm you have control of your account I will unban you.
  5. Ban for slendys_helper on c.nerd.nu for Blockspam. nerd.nu/appeal by joshuaherman on 2013-04-05 18:18:37 (no more bans, no notes)
  6. This account has been determined to be an alternate account and was used to evade a ban of the account jtc04. You also have several other bans on your account for griefing other servers so it is also unlikely you are telling the truth in your appeal. However since, according to our rules, if you use an account to evade a ban on another account, that account will become permanently banned. So, that being said. This account will remained banned. Ban for zombie_mode on c.nerd.nu for moderate griefing on C with hacks nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2012-01-28 17:37:23 UTC+0000
  7. I will attend to this as soon as I get to my laptop. Your conduct on our servers was totally unacceptable. I will post your chat logs along with your block edits later today. Until then be patient. I've been busy with real life things. All of our staff here are volunteers and we do not grt payed for our services.
  8. Also please tske a look at this: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/ It will help you to understand our position on homophobic slurs and racisimbon outlr servers. That being said. Ill unban you as soon as I get a chance.
  9. Thank you for taking the time to reappeal xghostgear. I will lift your ban as soon as I get to my computer (I am currently on my ohone) If any other staff member sees this feel free to unban for me. On a further note, xghostgear, I do appreciate your appology and understand that people try to use games to vent frustrations on occasion. Please understand that there will always be consequences for actions that involve other people so please, in the future, try not to put yourself in that position again. That being said, when you become unbanned, go have some fun with bkocks!
  10. This ban is old enough that I'm willimg to give you another chance. Please go reread the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating that you understand and will abide by them from now on.
  11. Closing due to inactivity. User may reappeal in the future if they want to deal with their ban.
  12. Closed at the users request. User can reappeal if they would like to in the future.
  13. Not your house. You had made no edits on the server prior to starting to destroy other peoples things. I gave you a chance to be honest. You are banned for 2 weeks. Take that time to tgink about how you would like to state things in your new appeal. Also, take a look at the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules
  14. Link to previous appeal: https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/352-monfmonf-tharine/#entry2445 Unbanned.
  15. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  16. Closing and moving to closed appeals.
  17. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  18. User seems to not have any more comments. Closing and moving to closed appeals.
  19. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  20. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  21. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  22. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
  23. Closing due to inactivity. User can reappeal when they want to deal with their ban.
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