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  1. So i decided to start a post about the new changes to the survival server. Economy: Always a fun aspect to any game. This gives people something to strive for and makes them think before they do something. Not to mention making it a bit better for newer people to get started. BloodMoon: The bloodmoons are always hectic and fun. The mobs are incredibly fast and scary as hell lol. It is a great way to make money and adds a nice change of pace from the normal mobs spawning. Mob Area: A great way to test your skills and play with friends. Who will get the farthest and what kind of fun rewards will you get? Who knows. Lottery: I have not played it yet but mostly it is feeding peoples gambling addictions lol Player Shops: Giving people like me a great way to make money. Are you good at monotonous tasks? Can you zone out and get a lot of something people want but are to lazy to get? If you answered yes than you are like me and can make a butt load of money from player shops lol. Then you can use that money to buy things you are to lazy to get (or are harder to find). exp Plumps: They lowered the amount of exp you get from kills by a decent bit and it does take longer to level now. That is a bit annoying to me since i tend to try and enchant as many things as i can at once. I would like to see increased orb lumping. Strength 2 Pot: These things are over powered. It is ridiculous the amount of damage someone can do with this potion. Ok so those are my thoughts on the new aspects of the games. What about you guys?
  2. Yeah but it would make people more likely to have their animals in the open to share with people if players had to keep 2 animals alive. Then people can farm/replant the crops, breed the animals, and kill what they want or need. It just makes more sense to me to keep 2 animals alive instead of being able to kill off the hard work of the person who had to go out and find the animals (which is a pain in the dick).
  3. I have read the rules and the post :)
  4. Really need to make a rule about being able to kill everything in your area. If you have a claim and have animals, they should not be allowed to kill everything. They should have to leave atleast 2 of each animal. They are a pain to find and get all the way to your area.
  5. I was banned for saying faggots because they killed everything in my house, destroyed my levers, bed, and some of my house, and spawned camped me in my own house. Yet i am the person that gets banned and they are all fine probably still destroying things in my house.
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