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  1. I agree Maybe we could have a district that people could use command blocks and you would have to warp into there so people can't just stroll in
  2. Dear creative admins Command blocks should be added. Now I know how most of you feel about them being misused and used for griefing but I have an idea that might work. Command blocks can only be changed or "commanded" by an op, so what if we had a ./modreq that went something like this. 1) do a /modreq command block 2)place a sign where you want the command block and on the sign put the command you want. 3) for a mod/admin to place the command block the space has to be owned by you so the region around you (world guard) has to be so only you can build on it. 4) once the mod/admin has placed the command block it can't be changed by the user as only ops can change it. 5) also the mod/admin can judge whether it is a good idea to use that command. ***you might also want to the player to give a reason for a command block*** This was an idea I had and I'm sure that we as builders on the creative server would love to use command blocks as they are used in most great redstone mini games or contraptions. Please give me your feedback as I would like to know what your thoughts are.
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