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Posts posted by TokenChineseGuy

  1. The 1.8 update broke my GUI text.  Now my chat bar appears blank even as I type, and several buttons in the options menu are missing their titles.  I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem either, so it must be some arcane problem with my elderly pizza box laptop.


    mmmmmm... pizza

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  2. Giant land claims with nothing/very little built in them.

    Cults. Cults are a great way to make me hate the everloving shit out of you.

    (I'm not going to explain the cult one cause it's extremely personal)

    If you build your shit too close to me, I will get irritated.

    When kids keep ask people to go see their builds, and keep at it when no one responds/wants to.

    When kids tell us not to swear (there is an age/parental advisory agreement for Minecraft, for a reason damnit)

    Speaking in another language. Not so much a pet peeve, but it will make me suspicious.

    Also religions. No. I'm not fond of fake religions.


    These aren't really pet peeves but they do irritate me:

    Diamonds spawning right over lava. Of all the hellish things I could ever experience in Minecraft, that's the worst.

    OH and creepers. Fuck creepers.


    sick passive agressive jab braddah man xdd

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  3. I'll start off with a couple:


    • Blatant inconsistency within group builds. I'm not talking about something being just slightly off, that's fine. But when someone builds in a city that's of a realistic, modern style, mainly 5 blocks per storey, and makes a wood and coal single-storey house that's 12 blocks high, that just grinds my gears.


    • When people say "wanna be friends?" (self explanatory)
  4. Minecraft is a pretty dank video game. With its expansive multiplayer communities featuring servers such as nerd.nu, any online player is bound to bump into dozens, if not hundreds of different players per week! With its simple mechanics and accessible look, Minecraft enables each and every one of these players to have fun and create some swaggin' builds. But alas, with people comes problems. We may not always agree with what others choose to do in-game.


    So I created this thread. Express what pisses you off in Minecraft multiplayer in general.


    inb4 "My minecraft petpeeve is when players start teddy bear cults"

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