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  1. I was banned for having a national socialist SS skin, I roamed around the server tending to my slimeblock contraptions until someone pointed it out, telling me to change my skin. This person was not of moderator status, so I did not take their request seriously, and I asked them why they wanted me to change my skin, they claimed the National Socialist party was morally incorrect, which I claimed this is an opinion which is subject to change from certain individuals. The SS had been a part of my heritage, being I had nordic and spanish grandparents serve in it. I was later kicked and banned for having a nazi skin. Upon this, I have since decided to change my skin to a Prussian soldier, hopefully generating less offense this time, and hoping to bring my problem to the moderators so I may now have a chance to be unbanned.
  2. "No griefing, including but not limited to: Destroying blocks placed by other players. Placing blocks or leaving inappropriate signs on other player’s structures. Flooding structures. Spamming items. Destroying crops without replanting. Note that this rule is not applicable on the chaos server." I, attackofthebrick, do solemnly swear not to break the rules thus being a dick.
  3. I guess I haven't read the rules in a while. I can swear I was checking if some deserted builds were unprotected, and sure enough they were. Most of these were simply polluting the landscape. There is so much land claimed that there is almost no space to build. As I said before, I am deeply sorry. You may not believe me, but I in my heart know that I had no intentions of malicious Griefing.
  4. yeah, i did some stupid stuff. but this time, i swear, i was seeing if land was still protected. and yeah, that meets the requirements to be considered griefing. So yeah, i griefed. im deeply sorry, and i hope this ban will be appealed so i can join the server, im quite lonely... Cheers, Braxton (Attackofthebrick)
  5. Rules broken: S.Nerd .Nu PvP Rule #1 "Players are allowed to make a small number of temporary edits for the purpose of gaining access to other players’ bases, such as for PvP or exploration. However, all such edits must be fixed immediately; this rule does not justify any form of griefing or base modification." Universal MCuniverse rule: "No Griefing." P.S. Does getting a ban disqualify you from running for mod? Also how are mods elected? I would like to know for in the future when I feel ready to run for mod.
  6. I have been banned from Reddit Minecraft servers due to the fact I griefed and built constructive builds on S.nerd.nu. I know I have wronged the minecraft server. Forgive me. I was only taking resources and destroying builds to get resources which I needed to survive in-game. I even said in the chat, "I'm taking resources from a supposedly abandoned city." No one replied. So I assumed it was okay to take. I wish to be accepted back so I can continue to play and experience the fascinating nerd.nu community.
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