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Everything posted by Esperi

  1. I don't think the current user numbers indicate success. They might indicate interest in testing a radical change, but I don't think it's saying that all these players approve of and enjoy these plugins. I am one of those players, but I came back randomly to see if the server was still good. It has nothing to do with the new plugins, and I don't like the new plugins (Citadel and PrisonPearl specifically). Citadel and random spawns highly discourage PvP. Everyone is spread out, most people live underground. Unless you find someone's base, you probably won't find anyone to fight unless you sit on the road for hours. Citadel and allowed griefing make it hard to play solo. I live deep underground in a hidden base. All my chests were reinforced with diamond. I logged on today to find 3 of my most valuable chests re-locked with emerald to another player. I can no longer access them, and they probably already looted them. I had reinforced every wall and door with stone. No clue how they got in, but they did. I did everything possible to protect my stuff besides building a diamond reinforced obsidian vault, and it was looted anyways. Also, your base can be griefed with reinforced blocks at any time. Someone filled in your entire base with reinforced cobble? Have fun digging it out for the next hour. Someone placed a reinforced block over your chest? You'll have to break the chest and move everything to another area, depending on how the block was reinforced. This is only fun for griefers. I like JukeAlert. It doesn't discriminate against solo players, and encourages PvP by letting you know where other players are. PrisonPearl just doesn't make sense. It allows other players to control when you can play the game. How is that fair? Especially to solo players. If you don't have a clan you're screwed. I have seen many players join the server in the last week and leave because Citadel was too confusing for them and makes undesirable gameplay modifications. As I said before, even if you reinforce your chests with diamond, they aren't safe. nerd.nu was a huge server back in the day because it was easy to learn and very accessible to new players. Once you learned the command to lock a chest, you were good. The Citadel and JukeAlert wiki page currently lists 26 commands. That is not accessible, and drives away many players. Also if you join and get pearled by a clan, you can no longer play on the server and have fun until your captor lets you out. I appreciate the experiment and understand why it was done, but I don't think Citadel and PrisonPearl are a good fit for S, which has a history of being accessible to new players and features high PvP activity.
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