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Posts posted by UNP

  1. I read that appeal too and was kinda dumbstruck by jchances outright refusal to behave in a fair, level-headed manner. "Guilt by association" isn't even a remotely sound reason for a permaban. Then again, I've seen him mute people for disagreeing with and/or questioning his motives. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise.


    Abroosky should take it higher, if possible. The guy did nothing wrong.


    Once again, there's definite "toxicity" there... but it ain't from Abroosky's side of the fence.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Just to clarify, tobylane, I'm not a 'problem', I'm someone with opinions that differ largely from yours. If you view that sort of person as a 'problem', I'd suggest you take your leave as those 'problems' don't have any solutions to them.


    This right here needs to be applied more broadly. Tobylane's attitude is exactly what the problem with the nerd.nu servers are. If you've got an opinion that's contrary to the group, or even to an outspoken person, you're labelled as a "problem" or a "troll". I've never seen so many people fight so vigorously to maintain an echochamber - outside of reddit, of course, which is unsurprising given the link between the two groups.

    • Upvote 2
  3. Maybe I missed something here, but I don't think any of this has really been about "offensive" or "triggering" language. With the exception of the staunch rules against homophobia, this community is pretty lax about wording. Until someone goes too far, anyway, at which point the gentle nudges toward clanchats or PMs start to happen. :P


    I'm pretty sure the main issue is people showing outright hostility and confrontationalism toward others, not people using potentially offensive language. Has more to do with what's being expressed than with the language used to express it.


    It takes two people to have any kind of conversation, which means at least 50% of the responsibility rests on the person doing the listening. I feel like there's a group of players who, when confronted with someone they don't like, deliberately take what they're saying in the absolute worst possible context, whether or not it's clear that it wasn't intended to be taken as such - and then they use that as a platform to accuse the talker of being a troll, or a dick, or an asshole, or "toxic", or whatever the buzzword of the day is. Either that, or the whole /ignore <player> thing. Why the fuck do you need to announce it to everyone that you're ignoring someone? It's chest-puffing. It's actually MORE "toxic" than the initial issue that started this thread.

    • Upvote 1



    Devil's advocate - why don't they just get thicker skin? It's unreasonable to expect everyone to reconsider every little thing they say just in case some poor little special snowflake gets all "triggered" or "offended" by it. You can't make everyone happy, after all.

    • Upvote 5
  5. My biggest problem is the selective enforcement of the rules depending on who's the "aggressor" and who's the "target". I don't see the remotest point in having ANY kind of rulebook if it's going to be thrown out the window on the basis of a personal opinion. The mods jobs aren't to like people, or to dislike them - but they seem to let that steer their decisions more often than not.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Hey, I just got banned (my guess is it was an autoban based on how fast it was) from PvE for "homophobia".


    What happened was people were lolling at my total inability to math (co-ordinate confusion) and someone, can't remember who, quoted the movie "Idiocracy" and said "Don't worry UNP, my girlfriend was retarded. She's a pilot now." Which was funny, considering how stupid I looked re: the math thing.


    I responded with the oft-quoted line that Justin Long's character uses (if that doesn't work, it was "you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded".)


    Literally 5 seconds later I was banned, which makes me think it was just an autoban for flagged terms or something. Which is fine, I mean, wordfilters are useful.


    Can I come back? I promise I wasn't being a homophobe, just replying to a quote with another quote from the same film.

  7. Hi UNP, please Read the Rules, and post back here to be unbanned.


    Ban info; Ban for unp on c.nerd.nu for Homophobia http://reddit.com/comments/m9n0i/ - http://nerd.nu/appeal by skuld on 2011-11-12 16:49:25 (no more bans, no notes)


    Doneski. Most of them are pretty standard, "don't be a douchebag" type stuff, which I can totally respect/get behind. Honestly, IIRC, my ban was because I flew off the handle ON REDDIT, after someone griefed my house and nothing was done. I've got no problem behaving congenially on the server itself.


    Anyway, rules are read and totally agreed to.

  8. I just decided to get into MC again after being dormant for literally years (like at least 2) and I'd like to play on the reddit PvE server. However I've apparently got a ban for "homophobia" on reddit itself? Either way it was ages ago and I'd like to play on a server with actual people. Can this be done?


    I'd also like to play on the PvE server with my missus, ingame username c_nt. She can get on no problems, so it's not an IP ban.


    Oh, my ingame username is UNP, like my forum handle.

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