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About Tolgar
- Birthday 10/28/1983
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Request/Suggestions for a new Cartograph System
Tolgar replied to MasterCommaThe's topic in Minecraft General
We wait 2 weeks on the P carto so that folks have to actually explore the map to see where they would like to build, if there was just a map, people would just look at that and go "Ok im gonna build there and ignore everything else". Also evens the playing field a bit on folks wanting prime real estate, AND its easier to hide non-underground secrets for a while. As far as chunks in 3d programs, you are welcome to take the previous rev, download it and convert chunks to 3d renders, the problem I always ran into was most programs back in the day did it on a chunk per chunk basis, that you had to stitch together in your program of choice, was pretty tedious, then there was getting the textures right, ug. -
Personally, I'd rather have logged creeper explosions than a difficulty increase. For a month afterward, the mobs on P on a new rev are still suffering from tick rate, so most are super easy to avoid. At best we'd be getting starving to death and wood doors being destroyed.
Wouldn't it just be "fleeing through the end portal to avoid pvp"? If the newer mods don't know where the pvp > nopvp is happening, bolding the rule isn't gonna help much.
Well the person in question did not have good intentions, that's what concern trolling is. Put in a new light, they are just bullet points of things that the banned person hates or wants to fuck with. The point that a lot of people made noise about a topic is meaningless. Hell I spent my own time putting together a response to a person that seemed to have no clue about things, only to find out that the OP is a fucking snake who KNOWS all the answers already and is just needlessly stirring the pot and trying to get sympathy to get unbanned which will never happen. There was no point to this post, he was already privvy to ALL the information on ALL the topics given, knows the hows and whys. Maybe he wants change, but its change he'll never see or be a part of, so the only reason he's trying so hard is to fuck with us. http://imgur.com/a/A3XV9 -- I'm just gonna post this anytime someone mentions barneygale and just hammer home the fact that he is not wanted here and his opinions are not wanted here.
Barneygale admitted to being the OP of this post, in light of that, quite a few of us will probably disregard a lot of it as concern trolling. There are changes that could/should be made, but nothing might come out of this now. Aside from reiterating that we need more than 3 heads.
Time to be a monkey on Jcll's back to turn this crap off again. You don't get to choose if they are wanted or not, they just will be removed. They have NO place on a forum.
Bug Deaygo, he's the one "working" on it.
Its nothing specific, its just 2+ years of bullshit, sometimes stronger, sometimes lesser. Time for it to end. We dealt with C in a similar way, 80% of our staff couldn't stand being on C because of the chat and all the kids, I'd say similar for S aside from those who already play it heavily. It's time to be consistant.
Ok folks it's time to get serious about moderating chat. The key thing here is to get public chat consistent across all our servers and forms of communication. 1. Public avenues of chat need to be moderately civil. This includes non-clan chat on the servers, general mumble chat/text and the IRC channels. There is friendly banter, usual game-like chat "omg you killed me you suck" "lol wtf i was helping you, you bastard!" "/ban Tolgar for being Tolgar" off color stuff, things that most people already do and we're fine with. 90% of chat as it is, is already like this. 2. Clan chat/msg/privately made mumble channels are where you can be a bit looser and uncouth. Stuff that wouldn't fly at the office, the more "jokingly-abusive" banter (only as long as both parties are fine with it), stuff you wouldn't let your 10 year old read. Things of that nature. But only if the participants are cool with that. IF someone new enters and they are NOT cool with it (IE total stranger), you can either stop while they are there, tone it down, get to know them and maybe they will be just like you and enjoy it. Now what this isn't, is a new avenue of getting someone you don't like banned. We log everything, we can get context from other sources. If you are obviously abusive to someone in public chat, you will be asked to stop and if its continuous, or happens multiple different times, you will be dealt with. If its private chat and someone has a problem, they can obviously leave that chat (if its way too weird for them), or bring it up with a moderator/admin if its directed against them and they have a problem with it. This also isn't a way for you to aggravate someone to the point where they lash out and then get them banned. We have the context, we have the logs, most likely both of you will be dealt with, the instigator harder, the one who lashed out, depends on what he said. Now you may be thinking, Tolgar, this isn't necessary, we already do this. Well yes and no. P is pretty much like this already, the level of chat is pretty well set and people going off is usually unusual and alarming. C, we've had a lot of chat issues in the past, I'd argue for C we keep the role playing in the "private chat/clan chats, off color stuff" category. S is where we hit a snag, the 2 chats are reversed here, public chat is a cesspool that most people want to ignore and the private chats are where people communicate and tolerate each other. This has to change and change quickly or no matter what we fix mechanic wise, it won't change anything server population wise. If you think the above line is bullshit and I'm talking out of my ass here, you are already part of the problem and will have to be reigned in also. These rules apply to staff as well as between staff broadcast. With these changes, S will be more heavily chat moderated, but to keep it at the same level of the other servers/irc/mumble. If that is impossible for some of our players to accommodate after multiple warnings or being asked to change, then it will be dealt with as any other rule breaking. Stuff like this can't change overnight, so once implemented there would be a few weeks of grace period where we remind people of the rule changes and gently ask that people change, or move their discussions. Feel free to add to this and come up with better wordings or clarifications, any extra situations or scenarios we should address with this. But something along these lines needs to be implemented soon. If you disagree, you either just don't want to chat moderate, which is fine, others will, or you want to keep it where it is, which is not fine, this has to change and will change. Thanks.
I'd personally like vanilla terrain with increased ores, well... all over the map. TC is cool but, like world painter, most of the stuff doesn't get used, everyone just wants an area they can terraform to their own uses. At least with 1.6 we won't have deserts spotted with lakes anymore. Also with worldpainter, the world is skin deep, I'm used to 2-4 layers of dirt before I hit stone, not 1 layer.... everywhere =D I had to dig around underground and MINE dirt to fill in the areas I needed for my project lol. Maybe instead of total vanilla, we can use TC more to expand the vanilla-ish biomes up to higher heights, but not the sloping stuff of world painter. Also I know its a nostolgia favorite, but I've kind of gotten sick of floating islands, I'd rather have more impressive mountains with alcoves and above ground caves we can build into than just LOL floating stuff.
Remove "discussion" posts from the subreddit, promote links to the forums
Tolgar replied to cmdrtebok's topic in The Archives
Case in point threads like this https://nerd.nu/forum/index.php?/topic/198-on-the-subject-of-end-grinders-in-pve/ From P of all places. The passive-aggressiveness went full on aggressive! -
Remove "discussion" posts from the subreddit, promote links to the forums
Tolgar replied to cmdrtebok's topic in The Archives
I find forums one of the worst places to discuss something. Any community I've seen on the internet, its forum is one of the worst places humanity has to offer. It's also super easy to derail a thread, someone might skip a bunch of entries, read someone's huge wall of text, and then spend the next 5 pages going back and forth on an issue thats not even about the topic anymore. Sure reddit might not be perfect, and it really needs the ability to pin topics to the top of a subreddit. But we've seen ourselves how shitty forum discussions are in the past on the last forum. Maybe, just maybe, you LIKE that kind of discussion, revel in it even, you want the topic to stay at the top so you can pin someone against the wall for a week. I try to stay out of huge forum 20 pagers unless its something I'm personally invested it. Which for a lot of the old S drama, I sure wasn't. Mostly because after reading a few pages worth, I'd be sick to my stomach. Some people LOVE forums for this reason, just look at EVE, or WoW, or LoL. I personally believe our community took a turn for the better once we got rid of being able to start those kind of discussions on forums. Like a huge looming cloud of puke was blown away. And the people who started those posts, stopped coming here altogether. Maybe its harder to gather everyone's input collectively, but I find staff meetings or IRC, mumble, to be better locations for people's opinions, some people don't seem to like fielding questions against their own opinion live however, but that's kind of too bad. These forums still have a lot of what I call "social media bloat", what with the upvotes/downvotes, reputation systems, hell even at the bottom left as I'm typing this, theres a fucking DIGG button. WTF. Forums don't need that shit. -
Remove "discussion" posts from the subreddit, promote links to the forums
Tolgar replied to cmdrtebok's topic in The Archives
I'm also against discussion being on the forums, it can quickly and suddenly turn into bile and shit slinging, as we've seen all too often in the past, heck its even happening now. I hate to say it but we do not have the kind of community that can have a civil discussion about core issues on a forum. Also this reputation system HAS to fucking go, it has no place in a forum, I don't care if its anywhere else. It's retarded.