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Posts posted by graymansnel

  1. Don't be a dick needs to be enforced... Harshly. Especially if we are going to advertise.


    I like the enchanting rules,, But at the same time, hate it

    Maybe if we nerfed it so that Prot 2 is the highest you could go, but in the area you could win maybe Prot 3 and like a monthly arena for Prot 4.


    Pots are fine. A lot of people don't use them for non serious fights.


    Camping is a big fucking issue, There tons of new people on, but when they ask for help, everyone tries, but they end up getting spawn camped anyway. (the only reason i ever made it to a plot is that i knew people, and they helped me.)


    Thats my 2 cents.


    Go buy a Cookie.


    (or anything from Gold Road Shop.)

    • Upvote 1
  2. SMP Client Side Mods


    What I think.


    If the information is already there, Why shouldn't we be allowed to alter it, to make it easier to read.


    IE If I can read off my light reading from the F3 Menu, Why cant I put it to a graphic, and insert it into my HUD with out being called "unfair"


    What I know.


    Player Rader, Aim Bots, Entity Trackers, Spam Bots, Ect. are not allowed.


    Yes it is possible to do these things using Vinalla, But its not fair.


    What I think should change


    Things that are already availible should be allowed to be changed.


    IE Armor durability numbers, Tool durability numbers, Health numbers, Item numbers.


    Basicaly HUDs in general. There isnt a lot of them, but here is a few.




    http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1702641-152-forge-v305-tukmc-the-slickest-looking-hud-youll-see-for-a-while-11k-dl/   (this one has slight player radar, so it is just an example.)



    (again this is more of an example, But it still just shows infomation on the HUD)



    (Really useful, but is themed for MineZ, Still useful for vinalla.)


    http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1430913-152-may-3-smp-stfu-%E2%80%93-client-side-mute-command-for-muting-players-in-smp/ (Not a HUD, But useful.)


    http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/690142-147-advanced-hud-481/ (its discontinued by the Dev, But is currently being picked up by a few people, So its WIP for 1.5)


    What do you guys think?


    Please suggest more SMP Vinalla mods that you think should be allowed.


    (Personally I would love to learn Java and write a custom HUD, but I need help.)

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