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About Natdog

  • Birthday 06/01/1992

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  1. Thank you Barlimore, Sure if you would do that it would be fine by me. Im not interested in arguing with that ban but if C45y wants to provide evidence I would reply and explain my actions.
  2. I would like a note from 3+ years ago for "Disconnecting whilst frozen in combat" to be removed, Note stems from closeing a frozen client while in combat and then logging back in. Obiously since it is over 3 years ago since ive gotten a warning like this I think its safe to say it is not a recuring offense.
  3. The problem with these changes are If you make the spawn,shops or underground area pve your making it so people can enter an area easily to avoid combat. If you make any of these changes the nether portal at spawn needs to be moved so people cant enter the area from the nether to get out of combat. If you make the shops pve you need to make it so people cant run into the shops to avoid combat. If you make it so the whole spawn is pve you need to make it so people cant run into spawn from the outside roads so they can avoid pvp. If you make the whole underground area pve you need to make it so people cant just run down the steps to avoid pvp. Also id like to mention that the shop with the sticky piston door and red glass is LWC abuse there is no way to enter that structure if someone is being hunted all they have to do is run in and lock the door.
  4. (This is an unofficial vote please keep in mind any data gained from this poll may or may not be used) Hello everyone, Its that time again- time to vote in some new mods. The list of players above was compiled based on nominations and feedback in the Moderator Nominations forum and reviewed by the admin team. Everyone on this list has been contacted and asked if they would like to be included in this vote. A few things to keep mind before you vote: "Yes" means "I am supporting this person, and want to see this person as a moderator." "No" means "I don't think this person should be a moderator." "Don't know well enough" means "I don't know this person well enough to make a decision." The results are public, so anyone will be able to see who you voted for. As always, if anyone has any concerns about anyone on this list please contact any of the head admins (jchance, MrLoud15, Dumbo52, scherererererererererer, and cyotie911) Voting will end in 1 week on Jan 12, 2015 and new mods will be announced no later than Jan 19, 2015 after voting has ended. (This is an unofficial vote please keep in mind any data gained from this poll may or may not be used)
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