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Head Admins
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Posts posted by fazaden

  1. Would you Head Admin again?



    I think there's plenty of newer blood that can contribute to the job. Most of the stuff that I want to do here on the servers can be done as a regular mod. I'm not saying "never," I just don't think I'd be needed, especially since I'm not as active as I used to be.



    I only know you as a S player. I saw your pyro recently, what have you done in all your time on P and C that is amazing like that?

    Heh, you must not know me that well. I think I spend a grand total of 2 hours on S per year. It's a fine server, but pvp isn't my scene. C's my home server, though I do venture to P from time to time.On PvE, the biggest thing I've ever started was a massive community farm that could grow pretty much anything.



    You never returned my crayons. I demand a Periwinkle one.


    Dude, for the last time: You can't just dump paint on cats and call them crayons. The animal shelter has you as the first 7 people on its Wall of Shame!

  2. A little background, for those who've lived under a rock the last 4 years:


    -I'm the longest-serving active mod; I've been on staff since May 2010.

    -I was a head admin from November 2010-December 2011.

    -I like to make puzzles for people to tear their hair out over.

    -People say I've got a cool voice or something.

    -I just finished a giant pyro statue on C, come check it out at /warp pyro before the reset!


    So..... fire away!


    • Upvote 2
  3. The applyformod page was pretty hilarious when we first rolled it out, but that was a relic of a different time. Back then, 99% of the people who asked for mod were trolls/griefers who were "totally from Planet Minecraft, we swear." So we trolled them right back.


    Seeing as how we don't get many of those trolls these days, I agree we should make the page a bit more mature.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Thanksgiving is coming up next month, and although we missed it in 2012, It's been a tradition here at MCPublic to host a charity donation drive around this time of year. I plan to post a public thread in Server Discussion about this in a few days, but I'd like to get the ball rolling now.


    Tasks that will need to get done:


    1. Pick a charity

           We usually do Child's Play, seeing as how we're a gaming community. Unless anyone has any serious objections, I'd like to stick with them.


    2. Set up the donation page.

         In the past, we replaced our own donate button on nerd.nu/donate with a widget for ChipIn. This let us track how much people donated without actually collecting the money ourselves. Chipin has since been bought out and dismantled, but I've found something similar in PitchinBox.


    3. Set a date/time

         How long will this run? 24 hours? 48 Hours? It doesn't have to happen thanksgiving weekend, even early December is fine.


    4. Plan the actual event.

         This is what will take the most brainpower. Will this be a build contest? Something pvp-related? Game show a la Brom Studios? Pie-throwing contest? All of the above? If anyone's got ideas, please post here. For starters, check out Denevien's thread.  This is something where public input might come in handy.


    5. Build the map.

         Exactly what it says on the tin. I'm hoping we'll be settled into 1.7 by the time we start setting up.


    6. Publicize

         We still have connections to /r/minecraft; we should use them if we can.




    This is something that I'm going to make happen even if it's just a little shack on C where I beg for money, but I think that if we plan enough in advance we can make something amazing happen.

    • Upvote 1
  5. As one of the earliest mods, as well as part of the last group of Head Admins to be elected, I feel qualified to add some context about the election process.


    Part 1: History Lesson

    (note: please let me know if any of this is inaccurate, all this stuff happened nearly 3 years ago.)


    The entire Head Admin position was created so that AllNaturalX wouldn't have to deal with the random rules drama that cropped up from time to time. Other people would sort out the BS so that he would have more time to write plugins and keep the servers running. This post first introduces Nat's idea of a 4-ish "Head Op" panel (later elected here) , and this post shows how the second election went down a week later. Both of these happened in October 2010.


    But fazaden, why were two elections held within a week of each other?  Good question! The short answer is: drama. Long answer? I don't remember the whole story, but someone wanted warwick gone and held an impromptu election. This highlights one issue with elections: a clear process is necessary to avoid drama and confusion.


    Due to a panoply of admin inactivity and retirements, we ended up having a third election in December 2010. That's how I got the job, along with a few others.


    After yet more inactivity and minor admin aboose, the Head Admin team became Skuld, squatly, rainshadow, and myself. We next picked Eustis because we knew we could get along with him, then when squats retired we chose cmdrtebok for the same reason.


    And thus began the tradition of all further Head Admins being chosen by the current crop of admins. The decision was partly due to fear of popularity contests, partly to prevent infighting, and partly for the sake of convenience.


    Part 2: My thoughts


    To be completely honest, elections aren't as much of a popularity contest as you might think. Hell, the only reason I got elected is that I was doing most of the modreqs at the time. (We didn't have any commands for that back then, I was writing down people's names) One common thread to those 3 elections was that people were nominated in advance from current staff; not just anyone was eligible. If only decent staffers are nominated to the position in the first place, what's wrong with letting the community pick? Maybe the person who runs many events will get more votes, or maybe the person who does 90 modreqs a day. (Maybe it'll be a mod/admin who spends most of the time circlejerking in chat, but that's still an important skill to have XD.) Either way, I'd say it's worth a shot.


    I'm totally up for bringing back Head Admin (maybe even Server Admin) elections, provided that we figure out a good way to count votes and such (but that's a thread unto itself, for now please just stick to whether elections in general are a good idea or not.) I personally feel that they would help build up more trust in the community.


    As far as players voting on mods, bear in mind there were only about 40-50 active people on the subreddit at the time that [9] link was posted. The admins and mods took a look at those player comments, then went ahead and discussed people in the (at the time, publicly visible) subreddit modchat anyway.  The main difference between that one thread and the way we currently do it is that the general player base had an opportunity to make public comments and nominations. So the main debate here isn't really  "Do we let players vote on mods?", it's more like "How public/open should the nomination process be?" Do we hold nomination threads in Mod Chat Private? Mod Chat, so everyone can read?  Server Discussion, so anyone can post?


    P.S. Diznatch is right. Let's not get side-tracked with city-specific discussion, let's focus on the overall issues.


    P.P.S. This isn't directly related to elections, but I came across some other random historical links during my hours of research:



    (my very first obstacle course is visible at 0:16)


    Our first charity marathon (this is something we absolutely need to do again, by the way. Last year we skipped it.)


    Also, lol Dome 1


    P.P.P.S: Heh. I've always wanted to use the word 'panoply' in a sentence.

    • Upvote 7
  6. I've just finished building the obstacle course, if you're going to be a mod during the event feel free to check it out now. If not, please respect the other players and wait until tomorrow. If you notice a place where players can get stuck or escape the deathtrap race track, please fix it. I'd do so myself, but I'll be away from now until tomorrow night. I'm aiming to start the first official race for prizes around 6-7pm EST, depending on when I get back from work.


    Keep up the good work, and please please please try to get this started on time. The last event was 5 hrs 15 mins late, if we can keep it under an hour and a half this time it's still a 400% improvement. The more we build bases and test plugins tonight and tomorrow morning, the less stressed out we'll all be at 4:00.

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