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PvE Admins
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Everything posted by Cujobear

  1. I can take a stab at adding lighting and other small tasks
  2. It's so pretty! Nice job Switch
  3. Late notice, but Mesa's Edge 100, -300 there is a lodge, PvP arena, and Greenhouse and a fun rainbow tunnel at 200, -365
  4. Just a few updates from this post. You have until this Friday (Dec 11th) to sign up. Sign up through this post or message me (cujobear) in game. On Monday (Dec 14th) you will receive the name of who you will be playing Santa to. Thanks to Weazol and Kisa_Gitana the location of the gift chests has been moved to -125, -515. You can reach the area via the WHEAT line, or by going south from the north portal. The gift chests will be located on the second floor of the gingerbread house. Again drop off your gift in the chest with your name by Dec 22nd. On Dec 24th the chests will show the recipients name. The list of participants I have so far (let me know if I missed you) Silversunset, Zomise, Tomzski, batchloo1, Nightslash360, foidington, Sapphric, King_of_queso, Herr_Fawkes, Dandyfloss, torteela, Lotusdigital, GarrusSilvermane, Qwacky, iNerd71, LadyKivi, StepsonofEvil, TheWakaWakaFish, Forever_A_Steve,
  5. I appreciate you all for taking the time to discuss it. That was all I really wanted.
  6. I didn't think I was asking to customize the entire server and I don't consider my texture pack faulty. I was asking if a plug-in type thing was possible, like the dopplegangers or armor stands. That was That's what I had been doing because I thought it was just me. It wasn't until the trick or treat signs during Halloween that I realized it was a wider spread problem. As for creating a resource pack for myself, I think that is beyond my abilities (thanks for the vote of confidence Herr) I just wanted to hear some ideas tossed around on a good way to fix this. I will keep hunting for another resource pack and switching to default to read signs for now. Thanks for reading and discussing.
  7. So I have always had a few issues with my favorite resource pack (Ovo's Rustic Redemption) but I continue to use it because, well, it's still my favorite. One of the main issues is signs. I'm bringing this up now because of the Halloween event. When I went to trick-or-treat at spawn of course the signs looked weird they said, "YOUR WILL BE". Knowing my issue I switched to default to read the signs properly. This has not been the case for everyone. Last night and again this morning there have been numerous players who have lost stuff to the trick-or-treat Gods. I guess in a way, they got tricked. Someone even posted about it on the subreddit this morning https://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/3qdckj/the_darkest_reaches_of_halloween/ Would it be possible to have standardized signs in PvE? Someone once helped me find a standard banner mod (because they were glitched in Ovo's and all the banners were plain white). This way players could use whatever resource pack they wanted yet we could be assured that's signs were readable by all. Thank you, cujobear
  8. I like this idea, maybe 3 or 4 small towns could work together to build the portal area together but no one town would own the rights to it. This would add to the community experience for small groups or single players like myself. I also wish the area around spawn could be more of a buy, sell, and trade type hub. Instead of having large empty builds (although they look neat) if it was set so that anyone who wanted could set up a small shop or storefront to do their dealings with other players. I think it was Silversunset01 that made a post office last rev where players could deliver items to another players box to picked up later. Ideas like that are what I'd like to see nearest to spawn.
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