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Everything posted by Lazee_Boy

  1. If they're in the same time and tempo then they will always seem as if they fit together.
  2. Are you suggesting we ban health pots or ender pearls? Because both would be a terrible idea. Also, about the "better in the old days," in the "old days" there was no pearl cooldown, and it sucked (see: BraydenH).
  3. Pearls dealing increased damage and ignoring feather falling is a horrible idea. They are an integral part of many tactics in PvP and having them deal 2 1/2 hearts in full prot is a recipe for disaster. Also increased pearl damage won't stop people from pearling too much because health potions exist. If increased damage was a better solution then the bigger Minecraft PvP communities would have dropped cooldown and picked up on it already.
  4. Hey, I got banned for doxxing, I'm not sure how it is doxxing when the person already admits their name on the server. I can understand the ban for harassment; I deserved that one. However, I did not dox. Gamergirl said the name, and [redacted] confirmed it was his name in chat. I mentioned his name a couple times, sure, but doxxing should not be taken into account when considering ban length. This one falls under the rule "Don't be a troll," which I admit: I broke. I would also like to mention that when someone titles their video "[redacted]" that they should not use their real name as the name of their YouTube channel. I have read the rules and request to be unbanned. I will respect [redacted] request to not use his name in chat. You won't see it mentioned again. Thanks, Lazee_Boy
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