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Everything posted by AnotherSteve

  1. While i totally understand and respect this the transport system plays a special role on the server, many people are involved with the build and because of it's server wide size almost anyone playing on it is affected. I'm not trying to bring up how the system should look and merely think a discussion about it's trajectory should be possible. Edit: spelling
  2. Ideally transport systems would be below sea level and follow terrain or tunnel trough hills when over land.
  3. Unfortunately i won't be able to attend the meeting but i would be very grateful if someone could bring up the topic of rail/road systems above Y=62 over oceans. Especially with the, thankfully, increased view distance transport systems spoil the ocean view for large parts of the map. PvE Rev. 18 has a beautiful central ocean of which the view is interrupted at level 80 by the LITE rail system. Especially after the update in view distance a large percentage of this ocean is rendered with rails in sight. I truly appreciate the effort put forth in and effectiveness of the rail system but am afraid the aesthetic impact on the carefully selected and partially created map we all play on is to great.
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