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Everything posted by Null

  1. Hi @Sir_Didymus, In response to the discussion regarding the nether: As many players previously mentioned, I think nether spawn should be made a safe zone. And as a quality of life enhancement, I would like to request a cauldron of water in the nether spawn region for horses. Secondly, I think the nether custom mob displays could be improved or redesigned. Currently nether spawn is elevated and the custom mob displays are lower and spread out around the spawn with a poor line of sight from the portal itself so it might be easy to miss for a new player that is eager to explore. Custom drops from the custom mobs keep them interesting. I like the berzerker shields and pixie wands. The items they drop are not too difficult to obtain or overpowered but add some cosmetic flair. This might be something to look at in the future. Personally I appreciate the mobs as it adds variety and content to the nether, I was just a little surprised when I first joined as its quite non-vanilla but I'm perfectly okay with that. I do feel a little bad though for newer players and wonder what the statistics are as every time a new player joins the server they will most likely die to a nether mob soon after and wonder what happened, but I believe better communication or display will solve that issue (there was as custom mob server message when they were first added so that helped).
  2. Spawn Building: The removal of barrier blocks was definitely a good idea as it caused a lot of frustration early revision. I suggest not using them again in spawn unless its very obvious or purposeful. Spawn museum was a nice addition to include highlights from past revisions For future shulker spots, please always include an enderchest + move the shulker spot closer to any trade vendors that currently exist. Currently in R22 the shulker spots are quite a ways from the actual archaeology vendors. The Nether Map I really enjoyed the custom nether and would like to see it continued as it made it easier to gather certain resources and an open sky with no giant lava columns is more aesthetically pleasing. However, one persistent issue from this is that ghasts will be able to fly out of render distance and constantly bombard you with fireballs. I have mixed feelings towards the new nether mobs. They make it easier to gather resources like wither heads but cause a few issues - they limit the spawning chance of other mobs such as Ghasts. - Hell snipers aggro pigmen if they shoot one while aggroing a player resulting in the entire pack of pigmen becoming hostile. - They are often a source of great frustration and confusion for new players that are not geared when traveling the nether. The berzerkers are quite fast and hard to avoid, and the fire arrows that hell snipers shoot burn for quite a bit unarmored. Once nether paths are built this threat is greatly reduced, but it discourages nether travel or exploration for newer players. I also feel that it discourages the development of nether roads / rails. The End I'd like to see a toned down dragon fight. The additional adds make the fight slightly more difficult but I feel it just bogs down the fight and lengthens it unnecessarily. The additional mobs that spawn also take a technical toll on whatever machine is running minecraft as the additional particles cause a lot of issues client-side. If the intent is to design a more difficult dragon fight, I feel that spawning more mobs upon hitting the dragon is not a good approach. Another suggestion is to make end spawn a safe. A few times I have entered the end during a dragon fight I was unaware of and the dragon was able to swoop into end spawn and launch me. Mapworld Worldedit was definitely beneficial and should be kept. Bringing back maps from older revisions was also beneficial as it allows creators or players to re-use some very beautiful maps without recreating them. Portals I'd like to see portals launched either all at the start or with a smaller delay. I'm seeing some portals that just become a space after cities are founded, or the portals are found too late in the revision and little development occurs there due to lack of interest. Iron Golem Spawners Costs are appropriate. I believe 288 diamonds is achievable and reasonable for this feature. The tiered system also works well. Maybe increase the drop rate for golem souls slightly up from 1% to maybe 2 or 3%? I feel the PvE information guide should outline the diamond cost with the padmin heads (in addition to saying 2 padmin heads, note that a single padmin head will cost 36 diamonds to obtain) have maybe one or two more screenshots of examples of grinder designs (with different types of water flows) just to make it a better reference. Custom Spawners The shulker spawners are very useful in a multiplayer setting. The creeper spawner is of great value for elytra users as well. Custom Drops from Ore (Fossils and Rares) I felt this was worthwhile. They were a constant incentive to keep mining since there are iron golem spawners and diamonds lose value once one obtains a certain amount for gear and tools etc. The rewards were mostly purely cosmetic as well but a welcome addition. Custom Saddles I really enjoy the custom saddles, particularly Ghast saddle I've had the pleasure of using. I'd like to see them return as event prizes and as something you can work towards such as the archaeology saddles. Elytra I don't like the idea of scouring the end for end ships to find elytra and would like it to be something to work towards / buy. I feel rails will always be created as they're essential to connecting the map for the large % of non-elytra users. Personally, as an elytra user I still frequent rails more than I use my elytra simply for AFK travelling.
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