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Everything posted by razgrizMC

  1. Since the paperwork's still processing, might as well reply here. I'm not leaving MCPublic's community and don't have any plans to. I just don't feel that it's right to continue in a moderator role when I've effectively been absent from the server for five months, and in Mumble only slightly more often, when I don't forsee my situation changing in the near future.
  2. I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Moderator for MCPublic, effective immediately. I thank everyone for the opportunities that working alongside you all have given, but other matters have been requiring my attention and I am no longer able to fulfil the duties of this role. Please de-mod me on the servers and remove my subreddit and Mumble permissions. Regards, razgriz
  3. Are the ModMode configurable forced commands global and set server side or can we customize them individually?
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