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desertcombat06 [muldoonaz]


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Hey guys,


There's been an issue in the past with my brother playing with Avo when he used to be a huge contributor to the community.  I've supported nerd.nu since the start and am wondering if I can get my username (desertcombat06) disassociated with our home IP that is banned so CarverItUp can't play from home/at all on nerd.nu.  I know I've brought this up in the past and was told that, because I happened to log in at my parents house, my user was associated with that IP and that is the reason why I keep getting rebanned as an "Alt of CarverItUp".  I've reassured admins before that he  has never had access to my information, nor ever will.  I think he's even done with minecraft as a whole.


I humbly ask to have my username disassociated with that IP and with my brother's account.  I would still like to participate in c.nerd.nu and p.nerd.nu, communities I've always supported and have funded in the past.


Cheers, my friends.

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Ban information:


Ban for desertcombat06 on c.nerd.nu for alt of CARVERitUP nerd.nu/appeal by muldoonaz on 2012-11-18 14:40:28 (no more bans, no notes)


Please be patient and an admin will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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