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Casey1975 [trooprm32]


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     What happened was, I was moved to the lobby and I went to survival. I had no experience in this before, so I was looking around and discovered that I was low on the hunger bar. I also noticed that everyone else around was building their own houses, and planting food crops. I wondered how they got them and not get banned? I was looking for food, and decided that if I took a couple carrots and potatoes from a person from around that had lots of crops, I could start my own farm so that I wouldn't die.

     I think that I was banned for a very small reason and the one who reported me didn't know my intentions. I left multiple crops, so that they could replant their system. Sorry.


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Ban information:


Ban for Casey1975 on c.nerd.nu for Crop grief on S. nerd.nu/appeal by trooprm32 on 2014-01-12 15:31:17 (no more bans, 1 notes)


Please be patient and trooprm32 will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
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I banned you for more than just a "couple" crops;




According to the rules, its your responsibility to replant crops yourself, and not leave someone else to do it for you.


Since I have already left this open for a day; I'm going to have you read the rules; Link here.

After you have done so; post here what rule you have broken; and confirm you understand and are going to follow them from now on. Afterwards you'll be unbanned.

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