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TehP1xel [NEVAstop]


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Hey there:-

I was banned from your server for a 'Minor Grief on Creative, no constructive edits'

However, I do not remember ever getting on your Creative, and it was only quite recently that I realised I was banned on this server when I check on Fishbans.

The only person that has access to my account is myself and my little brother (he doesn't even know MC has multiplayer)

Anyways, I'm sorry, won't happen again, if it does, ban me forever.



Edited by TehP1xel
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Hey there TehP1xel, please wait for NEVAstop (your banning moderator) to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal.

Ban information:
Ban for TehP1xel on c.nerd.nu for Minor greif on C. no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by nevastop on 2014-06-15 20:01:14 (no more bans, no notes)

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Hello, and sorry for the wait. This was a Offline ban after discovering some greif over at pixel art.

As this was a pretty minor occurrence, i would just recommend to keep your account secure. 
please read over our rules at nerd.nu/rules and reply in this thread acknowledging that you agree to our rules, and i will then unban you.

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