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xch1no [smdavis93]


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I was banned for not replanting, I was just trying to get some stuff to start with and didn't know it was against the rules at the time. I stopped after I was warned and have been respectful of other people's builds since.

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Hey there xch1no, please wait for smdavis93 (your banning moderator) to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal.

Ban information:

Ban for xch1no on c.nerd.nu for crop grief on S. nerd.nu/appeal by smdavis93 on 2014-06-19 18:42:23 (no more bans, 1 notes)

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Hello xch1no.


You already had been warned before by another moderator on May 25, 2014 for crop grief. After going through edits you have in the past few days, I found multiple farms that you left without replanting. Please go to nerd.nu/rules and read through the rules of the server. Reply back once you have done so.

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