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Bed and Horse Improvements for Survival


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The ever-helpful techadmins just rolled out a fresh batch of improvements to Survival.


Bed/Spawn Improvements (slide)

If you die near your bed, your spawn point will no longer be fully reset. You will spawn in a random location to prevent bed camping, as before, but if you die again...you'll go back to your bed! No more running 1200 meters when a creeper explodes next to your bed.

Also, the issue with spawning 1-2 blocks into the ground should be fixed.


Horse Improvements (TheAcademician)

  • The issue where horses weren't removed from your GPS list after dying should be fixed. (And admins can now remotely unlock horses in the off-chance that the issue still happens.)

  • You can now grant another player permanent access to your horse with access lists. /haccess +beastbruiser would grant BeastBruiser th ability to use your horse, while /haccess -beastbruiser would remove that permission. (Basically, it's like /cmodify for horses.)

  • You can now untame a horse with /horse-free (after unlocking it with /uncorral)

  • When pushed into the void, locked horses no longer fall endlessly. They will be automatically teleported to the spawn point. (Unless the horse is on its vulnerability cooldown.)

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