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TheMvn [jchance]


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Lol I just got banned because I built next to a sign someone made. I didn't alter or edit their sign, simply built next to it. I even offered to space it further from the sign in question.


I thought the sign looked better...



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Ban information:
Ban for TheMvn on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C, no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by jchance on 2014-07-28 08:28:45 (no more bans, no notes)
Please be patient and wait for jchance to handle your appeal.  You may BUMP (Bring Up My Post) this thread once every 48 hours starting from the time you posted your appeal if no response has been heard from your banning moderator.

I have changed the title of this appeal to reflect both your username and that of your banning moderator.

Original title: I got bandeded for building next to a sign in C

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You were not banned for just building the "SUX" sign directly attached to someone elses build (which is griefing), you were banned because you griefed and when I tried to talk to you about it and resolve it without a ban you argued with me about how its not griefing and how you were "improving it."  


Rule lawyering doesn't work when what you did is specifically mentioned in the rules.


Altering someone else's build without their permission, including directly attaching "SUX" to the side of it, is griefing and is against nerd.nu rules.  Not only that, its a pretty dick move.   


To be unbanned:  


1.  Please re-read the server rules and quote to me the exact provision of the griefing rules that you broke.  What you did is specifically mentioned.


2.  State that you understand this is against server rules and you will not do it again.

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You banned me as I suggested I move it further from the original sign. *shrugs* But I still stand by it not being griefing. Had I destroyed the sign, I would agree with you. I simply built next to it. Maybe my opinion of Twitch.tv isn't welcomed, and that's fine. But hey, lulz were had and I would have more than gladly moved the addition I built. Instead, banned.


It's all good. I only signed in to that server to see what changes happened since the last time I was there (which was a long while ago.)


Have fun!

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