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Beginner's Guide to SREV 26 and other Important Info


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Survival Revision 26 Beginner’s Guide and Information (because I can't find Totemo's)

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The two biggest changes are:

  • Griefing is allowed

  • LWC is no longer installed meaning no more /cprivate or /lock but you can still protect chests


Main New Plugins

  • Citadel – Item and Block Protection Plugin

  •  Juke Alert – Alerts you to nearby players and edits made

  • Prison Pearl – Allows you to imprison players


The Guide



In short Citadel is a block protection plugin that allows you to reinforce blocks that you place.  What reinforcing does is makes the block you place harder to break depending on what you reinforce it with.


Reinforcement Information

  • Stone – 25 Breaks to destroy block

  • Iron – 250 Breaks to destroy block

  • Emerald – 1000 Breaks to destroy block

  • Diamond – 1800 Breaks to destroy block

Therefore, if you reinforce a chest with iron, someone would have to break the chest 250 times before it would open.  You on the other hand can bypass your own protections depending on the permission you have and type of reinforcement.


Types of Reinforcement

  • Private Reinforcement

  • Group Reinforcement

If it is a private reinforcement YOU and ONLY YOU can bypass reinforcements.  

If it is a group reinforcement you must be at least a mod to bypass and reinforce. Being allowed only gives you access to using the reinforced items.

Ways to Reinforce

  • Reinforce

  • Fortify

The difference between fortify and reinforce is that reinforce makes you click on each block individually and fortify allows you to place blocks and have them automatically reinforced as long as you have the reinforcement type in your inventory.

How to Reinforce


  • Place the item you want to reinforce down for instance a chest or double chest

  • Use the command /ctr

  • Punch chest with the Smooth Stone, Iron, Emerald, or a Diamond in your hand.

  • Use the command /ctr again or /ctoff to stop reinforcing


  • Create a group using the command /ctcreate <groupname>

  • Add the players you want to the group by using the command /ctallow <groupname> <playername>

  • If you want the player to be able to break the reinforced blocks within the group add them as a moderator using the command /ctaddmod <groupname> <playername>

  • Now place the item you want to reinforce down for instance a chest or double chest to reinforce with the group of players you created

  • Enter the command /ctr group <groupname>

  • Punch chest with the Smooth Stone, Iron, Emerald, or a Diamond in your hand.

  • Use the command /ctr group <groupname> again or /ctoff to stop reinforcing

  • Now those players have access to the group

How to Fortify (you should be doing this with at least smooth stone when building your base since it will help prevent random or alot of griefing)


  • Hold the item you want to reinforce with in your hand

  • Enter the command /ctf

  • Then start building and your as long as you have the reinforce material in your inventory it will reinforce what you are placing.


  • Hold the item you want to reinforce with in your hand

  • Enter the command /ctf group <groupname>

  • Then start building and your as long as you have the reinforce material in your inventory it will reinforce what you are placing.Hold the item you want to reinforce with in your hand

Other Helpful Commands

JUKE ALERT taken from HERE


JukeAlert provides an easy-to-use means by which one can record player activity within an 11 block radius. In short it lets you now when players are near your “snitches”


Creating Snitches


To create a snitch reinforce a jukebox or a noteblock. This will create an active snitch block. Jukeboxes snitches will save logs and notify you whenever someone enters the 11 block radius of the snitch, whereas noteblock snitches only notify.


Recommendation: It is highly recommended to properly name your snitches with /janame to make your own life easier when trying to determine the general location of the snitch.

Access to a snitch can be controlled with Citadel groups. By reinforcing the snitch to a group with /ctr group group-name, any member and above on the group will receive snitch notifications.


Note: If you are receiving a snitch notification and are unsure what group that snitch is part of then use /jalookup x y z to find out.

Checking Snitches


Walk within the radius of the snitch you are in the group for and type /jainfo. This will load the snitch logs for the first page. You can check other pages by typing /jainfo page-number. Only jukebox snitches save logs and as such using /jainfo only loads logs for jukebox snitches.


The basics of Prison Pearl are simple. Have at least one ender pearl in your hotbar and when you kill a player, they will be pearled. Once a player is pearled, they are trapped in the end until they are released or until the chest they are in runs out of diamonds. If the player who trapped you doesn't put you in a chest with diamonds you will be released on the next restart (every two hours).  Pearls need to be stored in a chest with diamonds for them safekeeping. One pearl costs 12 diamonds per day for five days if the pearled player logs in. This is called the charge time. If the pearled player goes five days without logging in then the pearl stops costing diamonds until they log in and reset the charge time.


Warning: If you log out with a pearl and there are no other players within render distance than the pearl will be released. If other players are within render distance than the pearl will be dropped. The moment a pearl is outside of render distance the pearled player is released. Pearls must stored in chest with diamonds for safe keeping.

Most criminals are stored in highly secured vaults that can cost thousands of diamonds and obsidian to make. It is highly advised to store criminal pearls in secure vaults.


Warning: Do not store the pearl in an item frame. If they type /ppl then they will be freed immediately.

Being Pearled

If you are pearled than you are trapped in the end until you are either released or the chest you are stored in runs out of diamonds.

Being released is dependent on why you were pearled in the first place.



Finding Your Pearl and Broadcasting

If you want to locate where your pearl is being held use /pplocate. This will tell you the location of your pearl.


You can type /ppbroadcast player-name to share the coordinates of your pearl whenever you type /pplocate or whenever it is moved. In the event people are trying to free you, using /ppbroadcast is highly recommended.


Summoning and Returning Prisoners

Prison Pearl allows you to summon pearled players. Equip the player's pearl in your hand and type /ppsummon or /pps and this brings the pearled player into the overworld with only pearls in their inventory and the armor they are wearing. No other items can be transported by a summoned player. You can also use /pps player-name range to set how far away from you they will be at when summoned.


Note: Any other items in the pearled player's inventory will be dropped on the ground in the end at the location they were prior to being summoned. It is advised to notify the player you are summoning so that they have time to prepare stash their items.


Only ender pearls and equipped armor can be transported through summoning. All other items are dropped on the ground.

Toggling Damage, Block Break, and Changing the MOTD for Prisoners


Summoned players will take damage if they wander too far away from you. You can change the distance they can travel with /ppsetdist numbers.


Additionally, it is advisable to type /pptoggledamage so that the pearled player can't kill you and free themselves. You must either hold their pearl in your hand or type their name like /pptoggledamage Dr_Jawa. You can also use /pptoggleblocks to make it so that the players can't break blocks.


You can also change the message of the day a pearled player receives by either holding their pearl and typing /ppsetmotd your text here or typing the players name /ppsetmotd Dr_Jawa You have 100 diamonds in reparations remaining.


For the purpose of receiving reparations, you can summon them and allow them to drop the pearls and in exchange give them wood or such and then type /ppreturn to send them back to the end.


Note: Any items in the players inventory when they are returned stay in their inventory. You can use this to your advantage. By providing the pearled player some cheap armor, food, and wood planks and returning them to the end they can in turn farm pearls for you.

Freeing Prisoners

With the pearl in your right in your hand, right click and they will random spawn away. Alternatively, you can type /ppfree and they will be freed at your feet.


Note: If you put the pearl in a chest with no diamond, then after server restart the pearl is freed and you actually get a useable pearl back.



Make sure to share this in game using this url:  https://bit.ly/Guide_To_SREV26



7/29 - Removed information in regards to posting on civcraft

Edited by BeastBruiser
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