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XxDovahkiinX [dizney07]


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Hello moderator team of Nerd.nu(S) i was banned for saying "Racist" comments on the Survival server. 


i would like to point out that i only once said the "N" word. and was quickly warned about saying of profound words. and i stopped.


Last night around 3amEST. some of the discharge members were asking me for alot of stuff. so i called them beggers. 


not once did i call them any offensive names or the kind. 


I'd like to be unbanned, as i actually like your guys, server. Thanks for your time.


- XxDovahkiinX

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Hey there XxDovahkiinX, please wait for dizney07 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal.

Ban information:
Ban for XxDovahkiinX on c.nerd.nu for Racist comments on S after being warned previously. nerd.nu/appeal by dizney07 on 2014-07-29 02:36:07 (no more bans, 3 notes)

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Hi XxDovahkiinX, you were banned for using a racial slur after previously being warned (3 days ago). In chat last night you chose to call someone a "Jew" which was inappropriate and racist. I'll unban you once you reply here stating that you read the rules and have read over this thread: https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/


Proof of comments: http://imgur.com/a/OGkBW

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