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Community Interaction Policy


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The aim of this policy is to:
  1. Remove ambiguity in what is not allowed on nerd.nu services and classify them by severity
  2. Specifically outline a policy that deals with patterns of problem behavior
  3. Specify penalties and how the warning system will be used on the forums.
This policy does not create any new rules.  It does not give mods or admins any new power or tools- it only more clearly defines what is acceptable community interaction with easy to understand, concise rules.  It also outlines how the warning system will be used when this policy is violated.
Community Interaction Policy 
This policy serves to outline what is acceptable interaction between players and staff using nerd.nu services, including but not limited to:
  • nerd.nu forums
  • nerd.nu IRC channels
  • the /r/mcpublic subreddit
  • mumble
  • wiki
  • nerd.nu Steam groups
  • nerd.nu server chat (including public, clan chat, private messages, and /mail)
For the remainder of this policy, all of the above may be referred to “Nerd.nu Services” or just “Services.”
Below are guidelines to help determine whether certain language or community interaction is appropriate while using Nerd.nu Services. 
We tried to encompass all manner of barred language below, but there may be inappropriate language that does not fit into any of these categories. We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis. In extreme cases, we may take action beyond what is detailed here. 
Real-Life Information and Threats (Doxxing)
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Refers to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world.
  • Releases any real life information about other players or nerd.nu staff.
Any player found in violation of this policy may receive, depending on severity as determined by nerd.nu staff:
  • A lengthy suspension from the game or service in which the infraction occurred on the first occurrence.
  • A global ban on all nerd.nu services including but not limited to games, forum, and mumble.
  • A permenent ban on all nerd.nu services with no right to appeal.
Note: In cases where we feel that there is a legitimate threat to individuals or property, Nerd.nu staff may contact appropriate local, state, or national authorities, depending on the severity of the threat, to ensure a safe and complete resolution for all involved parties. If you ever feel that you are personally threatened on a nerd.nu service, please report the issue to admins@nerd.nu immediately.
Highly Inappropriate
The categories below detail language deemed to be highly inappropriate:
Racial or Ethnic
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Promotes racial/ethnic hatred.
  • Is recognized as a racial/ethnic slur.
  • Alludes to symbols of racial/ethnic hatred.
  • Language that sounds like racial hatred or racism and is used in an attempt to by-pass this policy. 
Extreme Sexuality or Violence
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Refers to extreme and/or violent sexual acts.
  • Refers to extremely violent real life actions.
  • Refers to sexual acts with other players.
National Hatred
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Promotes national hatred.
  • Is recognized as a national slur.
  • Alludes to symbols of national hatred.
Sexual Orientation
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Insultingly refers to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other players.
Harassing or Defamatory
This category includes both clear and masked language and images / memes which:
  • Insultingly refers to other characters, players, nerd.nu staff, or groups of people, be they in-game or external.
  • Repeated minor insults intended to harass or annoy another player or staff for an extended period
  • Are Trolling: to post inflammatory or inappropriate messages or comments for the purpose of upsetting other users and provoking a response.
Any player found in violation of the above policy may receive, depending on the severity as determined by nerd.nu staff:
  • A warning and note added to their account.
  • An immediate temporary ban from the one or all nerd.nu services without warning.
  • A Final Warning, with any further violations resulting in permenent ban.
The categories below detail language deemed to be inappropriate:
Chat Disruption
This category includes language and/or actions intended to disturb groups of players or areas of the world, such as:
  • Disruption of player events or gatherings.
  • Excessive use of in-game chat, commands, or join/part spam.
  • Spamming gifs or any other image type in threads without additional content.
  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish.
  • Repetition of the same phrase more than once in a period of 30 seconds.
Obscene or Vulgar
This category includes both clear and masked language which:
  • Is an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions.
  • Is pornographic in nature.
Religions or Religious Figures
This category includes both clear and masked language which:
  • Negatively portrays religions or religious figures with the intent to cause anger or elicit a negative response.
This category includes advertisement of any link, server, or resource that does not benefit the players or community.
  • Any non-beneficial, non-nerd.nu server, YouTube channel, Twitch.tv account, organizations, or websites.
Any player found in violation of this policy may receive:
  • A warning
  • A temporary suspension from nerd.nu services.
  • A reoccuring pattern of violating this policy may lead to lengthy bans both in game and gloablly on all nerd.nu services. 
Special Cases
These factors act as modifiers for the severity of a violation:
Ongoing Harassment
Harassment takes many forms and the intent behind the communication is important. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment, either physical or verbal, can lead to more severe action.  Cases of ongoing harassment will be handled by a head admin.
Situational Factors
The action we take may be more lenient or more severe than those listed for each category. When deciding what action to take, we also consider the number of people who may view the offending language. We have broken this factor up into three categories:
This group includes:
  • Comments made in game chat.
  • Comments made in public forum sections
  • Comments made on public wiki pages
  • Comments (including verbal, text, and images) made over Mumble
Since comments in these forums are visible to the largest number of players, we take harassment in these channels very seriously. Abuse in these channels will receive at least the penalty listed above, if not additional repercussions.
One-to-One or One-to-Few
This group includes:
  • Comments made via private messages on the forum, in game, or Mumble
  • /mail messages
  • Other small group communications such as official IRC channels, group messages on the forums, etc.
Though we enforce all rules in these channels, the number of people affected and the behavior of all involved parties will be taken into consideration and penalties may not be as harsh as stated above.  However, repeated harassment via private messages will be dealt with severely.
Clan Chat
Because of the voluntary nature of Clan Chat participation, we take a much more lenient stance in Clan Chat channels. Only the most severe harassment (i.e. Doxxing, Racial/Ethnic, Extreme Sexual/Violence, Real-life Threats) will be considered.
Repeated Violations
Repeatedly violating any area of this policy,  including the areas detailed above, will often result in temporary ban from the game or other nerd.nu services as appropriate.  Repeated violations or a clear pattern of disruption may result in an extended or permanent ban from Nerd.nu services.
Any appeals to punitive actions taken as a result of policy violation should be handled in accodance with the Nerd.nu Appeal Policy posted on our forums.
The Forum Warning System
The forums have a built in warning system.    This warning system serves to notify posters that they have violated community rules and, at higher warning levels, restrict their ability to post or reply to topics.
The warning levels are as follows:
  1. no penalty
  2. no penalty
  3. no penalty
  4. 1 day readonly
  5. 2 day readonly
  6. 7 day readonly
  7. 14 day readonly
  8. 30 day readonly
  9. 90 day readonly
  10. Extended or Permanent Ban TBD by head admins. 
Issuing Warning Points:
Warning points are issued by Server Admins and Head Admins.  
You can receive one warning per post.
Warning points fall off automatically after 14 days.
The number of points that are issued for a violation of policy is based on the class of infraction from the list above:
  • Highly Inappropriate Content:  2 Warning Points
  • Inappropriate Content:  1 Warning Point
IF you feel you have been unfairly warned you may contact the head admins at admins@nerd.nu, through IRC, or any other available method (/mail in game, pm in game, direct message, etc.)
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