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ASHtheBass [buzzie71]


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Just now i was attempting to log onto the nerd.nu PVE server. The IP would be "pve.nerd.nu" if im not mistaken.  I did not log onto the server yesterday (March 3rd).  When i attempted to connect, i was greeted by a banned message that said something along the lines of "Banned for major rail grief".  Of course that must be refering to the 1x2 tunnel running under the map at around y=6.


While mining on Monday March 2nd, I believe, I came across this 1x2 tunnel beneath my city.  It was lined with rails, a powered rail placed every so often.  I was immediately unpleased, after all, out of the entire 10,000 block diameter of the map, why must the tunnel go beneath my city of Ankgolia?  I asked in the chat if anyone knew who had made the tunnel.  After getting no response after what i felt was an ample amount of time, i decided to see where it goes.  Perhaps if it ended at another city or house, i could contact the builder of this tunnel. So, i followed the tunnel to the west until it ended.  I decided that i would take the rails and cover up parts of the tunnel to discourage players from further continuation of it.  I walked the opposite way until it made a turn to the north.  At this point, i realized that this tunnel was much to long for me to follow, so i stopped and turned back. I mined the rails a ways out from the city in both directions until i felt that it was no longer intruding.  I blocked the tunnel at a point and left a series of signs for whoever had built it.  They the signs i placed read something along the lines of "I must ask that you do not continue to build this tunnel here, i feel that it is intruding upon the city of Ankgolia.  You may come to the city and talk.  I will be happy to return your rails if we can come to an agreement.  If you do not come by "x" date (it was like the 10th or something, plenty of time for whoever to see it), the rails will be donated to CARBON"  I thought this was a reasonable offer, so that was that.


At this point in time i still have no idea who the 2x1 tunnel lined with minecart tracks was built by, what it's purpose is, and why it was necessary for it to run under my city.  In the official PVE server rules on the Nerd.nu website under the heading "Structures", it specifically says "Don't build very close to other players' structures; be sure to leave some space. Buildings that violate this rule may be moved to a new location without warning."  In my opinion, this tunnel is the one that is violating this rule.  My city is always looking for new players to help expand and have fun.  I don't have a problem with a minecart tunnel near the city.  I definitely want to connect to CARBON.  I just think that the tunnel could have been placed elsewhere.


I also noticed this rule that perhaps you could claim that i violated.  On the nerd.nu website, the PVE server rules under the heading, "Protections"  it says "We will not protect to bedrock unless your structure extends down that far. Underground resources are considered to be public property. Mines, drop shafts, etc., will not be protected."  Now I'm not entirely sure of which rule I am accused of violating.  I did not attempt to claim this land.  I personally think that because the tunnel was intruding within the space of my city, that i had a right to remove it.  Now, perhaps I didn't think this through.  As I'm thinking about it now, i could have perhaps messaged a staff member to make sure.  I made an impulse decision without talking to anyone, so of course i accept the consequences of what i chose to do.  I am obviously a guest on the server and i have not paid a dime for it's use, so I don't have any "rights".  I am appealing this ban because i believe I have a reasonable defense.  I am, of course, expecting to be specifically told why I was banned.  I expect to be informed of exactly what rule i broke and in what way it was broken.  I have just reread the rules and have brought up only the couple that I find relevant to this situation.  I apologize for any inconvenience i may have caused to the staff members.  I promise you that my intentions have always been good.  Thank you for taking the time to read this ban appeal.





Edited by ASHtheBass
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Ban information:


Ban for ASHtheBass on c.nerd.nu for Major rail grief on P nerd.nu/appeal by buzzie71 on 2015-03-03T19:46:34.036 (no more bans, no notes)


Hello ASHtheBass,


You were banned for destroying blocks placed by another player - most of these are rails, but you have also cleared out ladders, chests, and an End chest, among other things, all of which were placed by another player and destroyed without their consent.  The only rule you have violated here that led to the ban is the "no griefing" rule (under Universal) - the magnitude of your unauthorized edits (at least 1000) was also a factor.
I understand that you don't want someone else's rail in the vicinity directly under your town and want to discourage continued construction or use of it - it's a perfectly reasonable desire.  But it is not acceptable to take the matter into your own hands and break it all - this is the very definition of griefing.  
Some other things for clarification:
  • The rule against building very close to other players' builds generally applies more to builds that are built next to other builds - we expect players not to construct their builds directly adjacent to or in close proximity to others.  Running a rail just under a build's bottom-most built-upon layer, for example, would violate this.  Rails deep under a build on the surface like the one in this case are, according to the rules, fair game (since it traverses a space considered public property - the underground, specifically) - you would need to talk to the player who has laid them to inquire about getting it moved.
  • In times like these, if you seek the builder so you know who to contact and talk to about moving the rail, you can modreq to find out what the IGN is.  You can then message the player if said player is online, or send /mail if the player is not.  To help facilitate this, I've sent you a mail for when you return pointing you to the player to speak to.  If negotiations reach an impasse, you may ask for staff to help mediate your dispute.
  • Don't be afraid to approach one of the staff to ask about things like this - it's part of the reason we're here.
The tunnel has been rolled back with the exception of two redstone ore you mined in there.  The rails you have obtained from this have been removed from your possession, and the torches you used to light the tunnel have been returned.
You mention that you've re-read the rules.  The ban length is set for 2 days since the ban occurred, so you'll be unbanned in another day.  In the meantime, if you have any further questions or concerns about this ban, or wish to contest the ban length, feel free to either post here or in a forum PM.
Edited by buzzie71
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