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ucanhazDIE [lime_aide]


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hey, my username is ucanhazDIE (made it a while ago) and I was banned 3 years ago for minor griefing. this happened when I was 13 and I was a little bit of a prick. Im sure you simply rolled back whatever I broke and that was that. I am sorry that I did that to your server 3 years ago. I have came back to minecraft after growing up a little bit and playing World of Warcraft and I was wandering if y'all could find it within your graces to allow me another chance to play in your servers. 

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Hi ucanhazDIE, since the mod who banned you is no longer on staff, I'll take over your appeal. Since it's been over three years, I've gone ahead and unbanned you - just take a look over nerd.nu/rules to familiarize yourself with the rules, and welcome back!


Ban info: Ban for ucanhazDIE on c.nerd.nu for minor griefing nerd.nu/appeal by lime_aide on 2012-02-12T20:19:48 (no more bans, no notes)

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