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Forever_A_Steve [Barlimore]

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I helped Barlimore with looking into your xray these screenshots prove nothing as the glitch only works when the leaves are put in fast detail so you cannot see through them. I have looked into this glitch and these photos are not helping you as you clearly understand how the glitch works. I shall let Barlimore handle the rest of this appeal however just putting that bit of detail in.

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Hello Forever_A_Steve, for the purpose of bringing a little structure to the ban appeal I'm just going to note down the ban information first:


Ban for forever_a_steve on c.nerd.nu for Using an exploit to xray. nerd.nu/appeal by Barlimore on 2015-07-07


Before I move forward with sharing the logs that I have gathered on the servers, may I first seek clarification with you on your usage of this exploit which is used to x-ray. Specifically, why did you create the conditions to use the exploit (as shown in your images above) 67 times on the pve server and 17 times on the latest survival revision?

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Cave exploring. You cant use this exploit to find specific things, only areas to explore.


Thank you. I don't mean to sound rude at this point but I can see each block placed, the timestamps and the directions you took.


Additionally, I can view conversations you have shared with people in relation to this exploit, one of which started like this:


2015-05-10 19:28:38 | ClanChat: <Forever_A_Steve> also, i found a trick to find spawners and stuff


Within your original post here, you said that you could not do this exploit yet (logs aside) your latest post indicates that you have been using it.


You're welcome to reply as you wish to your appeal but I would recommend a bit of ownership on your actions however if you do not wish to do that just yet then I will proceed to detailing my findings.

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Well, this way of publicly going over things is unprofessional as it just becomes the shame corner for others to see.

I am limited on what i can see due to server conditions. Can i try to find a spawner here? Yes. Can i do it? Not really because server conditions make it very difficult to do. Sometimes it works and most of time it doesn't.

Now, I will say this. You may give me the ban length, but my final response will vary depending on the length given. I will not discuss this anymore until a final answer has been decided.

Edited by Forever_A_Steve
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Well, this way of publicly going over things is unprofessional as it just becomes the shame corner for others to see.

I am limited on what i can see due to server conditions. Can i try to find a spawner here? Yes. Can i do it? Not really because server conditions make it very difficult to do. Sometimes it works and most of time it doesn't.

Now, I will say this. You may give me the ban length, but my final response will vary depending on the length given. I will not discuss this anymore until a final answer has been decided.


I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. My interest was hoping that you would admit to your actions so that I could keep my records brief with you. Since you no longer wish to discuss your ban appeal until a ban duration has been decided, I can tell you that this is set at one month along with a rollback of your edits.


I'll gather all of my findings and put them in a reply to your ban appeal as soon as I can.

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Pardon me for jumping in here but I wanted to give an explanation to you as to why we do things the way we do, These appeals are not to shame people but to give a record of infractions that are made on our servers. They also give a little insight as to the type of player you might be as to how you choose to handle your appeal. This ban was made because you committed an infraction on our servers (whether you believe you did or not doesn't mean that you didn't) Using a glitch to gain an advantage that other players aren't allowed to use is clearly spelled out in our rules and I'm pretty sure that you knew was wrong. The other purpose of these appeals (in most cases) is to get some acknowledgement from a player that they know it was wrong (or now know it was wrong) and they won't do it again. These are the main things we are looking for in our appeals.

As far as if you are shamed by it or not is probably something you are going to have to live with. You performed these actions and now will have to live with the consequences. How you choose to act in the appeal is up to you but will probably go a long way with how others view you.

Bottom line is everyone makes mistakes and it real like your won't be a big deal unless you let it. There are several people in staff that have been banned in the past (and I'm actually one of them). How you choose to act is on you.


*Edited for aurocorrect mistakes since I wrote this on my phone*

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Alright, but why the 1 month ban? I've never been banned before and at the worst was a warning for minor griefing because I took sand from an area that I didn't know was claimed. 



Compared to other x-ray bans, It just seems excessive, which is why I am concerned and not happy

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The consequences of Xraying are one of the clearest we have in terms of cause and effect within our rules:



  • No xraying/hacking/cheating
    • Any use of xray / ore detection will result in an immediate 1 month ban and rollback of all edits.


In regards to relaying a message for you, if it is unrelated to your ban appeal, feel free to open a pm with me and we'll keep that out of the topic. Otherwise, you're welcome to reply back here. I'm giong to have to head to sleep shortly but will return here to provide some evidence for the ban reason we're discussing and that it's not just my word against yours. Additionally I will formalise the unban date for clarity.

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Thank you for your patience in allowing me to gather the logs from my findings. I'll keep them hidden under spoiler tags to make them more readable and add comments above each image to give context to what we're viewing.


The first set of logs come from May on the PvE server, where details of how to use this exploit were shared with another individual, known here as Player 1.


2015-05-10 19:28:38 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> also, i found a trick to find spawners and stuff

2015-05-10 19:28:46 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> it's a glitch, if you want to know

2015-05-10 19:28:57 [Clan Chat] Player1 sounds tricky

2015-05-10 19:29:08 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> it's actually easy

2015-05-10 19:29:13 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> no mods required

2015-05-10 19:29:20 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> but you do have to turn optifine off

2015-05-10 19:29:34 [Clan Chat] Player1 don't user it anyway

2015-05-10 19:29:34 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> and set your graphics to "fast"

2015-05-10 19:29:52 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> if you come to avalon, i'll show you

2015-05-10 19:30:31 [Clan Chat] Player1 i'm intrigued

2015-05-10 19:30:37 [Clan Chat] Player1 i could prob be there pretty soon

---Some time later---

2015-05-10 19:41:23 [Clan Chat] Player1 so wahts this trickery

2015-05-10 19:41:24 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> ok. now follow me. i'll show you the trick

2015-05-10 19:42:09 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> let me turn optifine off first

2015-05-10 19:42:10 | Forever_A_Steve lost connection: Disconnected

2015-05-10 19:42:10 | Forever_A_Steve left the game.


2015-05-10 19:42:50 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> ok. first things first, you gotta dig a hole like this

2015-05-10 19:43:11 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> now that the digging is done

2015-05-10 19:43:16 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> all we need is this

2015-05-10 19:43:27 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> now we put a rail track and a bush here

2015-05-10 19:43:40 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> the leaves are translucent

2015-05-10 19:43:50 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> now place the minecart

2015-05-10 19:44:02 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> can you see through the ground?

2015-05-10 19:44:16 [Clan Chat] Player1 can't see much

2015-05-10 19:44:25 [Clan Chat] Player1 seems to work though

2015-05-10 19:44:40 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> yeah. it's because of the server limited draw distance

2015-05-10 19:45:22 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> but thats it

2015-05-10 19:45:34 [Clan Chat] Player1 thanks for showing me


2015-05-10 19:45:45 [Clan Chat] <Forever_A_Steve> np. so for next rev, we will have that


With the intent displayed through chat, I decided to look through your edits on Survival first as that had reset more recently and might have provided more use for this exploit. The following images are from Survival only.


This image displays the rail edits which were used in the exploit.



Here we can get a broad feel for how generally, when using the exploit your edits suddenly change direction when exploring.



Here is an example to reflect that the rails were using the leaves above them.



In this next image, we can see how using the exploit appeared to change the direction of your digging.



Here are further examples of you changing direction in your exploration after using the exploit.



At this point, I have overlaid your diamond_ore edits with the rail edits. From the position I am standing in, you may have very rightly proceeded to find those diamond ores anyway but given how several uses of the exploit had led you to this point, it could be assumed that you would not have found these through exploring fairly.



From here, I removed your diamond ore edits and brought up mossy cobblestone, to help me see your interactions with finding spawners, as per your conversation on PvE earlier in the logs. From the current position, after using the exploit you changed direction to head towards the spawner which wasn't particularly nearby.



Then after 20 minutes, you had begun pillaging the spoils from this dungeon.



After looking through the logs on Survival, I headed over to the PvE server. The logs here were much older so for the most part, it was circumstancial on this server. The following images were taken from the PvE server.


Once again, I began by searching for your rail edits. I want to point out that not all of these edits were involved in the use of creating the exploit conditions with the leaves.



Similar to the image from the Survival server, here we can see a general picture of how the exploit helped to change the direction of your exploration.



At this point, I have added in spawner edits. These appear as dark grey boxes and here it may appear that you found spawners with the assistance of this exploit.



From the same location, here is the leaf edit included.



Here is an example of how your direction of exploration changed while using the exploit.



The next few images are going to display how using this exploit assisted with finding a spawner / chests. You may have had good reason to avoid mining these ores but instead a path was carved through them nonetheless.



In this image, the spawner in the distance is now visible and we can see the changing directions of your exploration again.



Here we can see you tunneled towards the location that you set down the rails and leaf block, before backing up and carving into a cave system on my right.



Following this cave system down...



...until we reach the spawner. On the far right of the image, you can see where rails are used afterwards to continue using this exploit.



I spent a considerable amount of time on Survival and PvE checking your logs and gathering second opinions. My aim was to prove that you had not been using this exploit to gain an unfair advantage over other people playing on the servers. Unfortunately it's clear that based on the sheer volume of the rail / leaf blocks set up together to use this exploit on PvE and Survival combined, in addition to the logs above, that this exploit had been used for an unfair advantage. Your ban for using a form of xray through cheating will remain until 7th August 2015 provided that you reply sometime between now and then in this topic with an understanding of why we have had to ban you in regards to our rules as I wouldn't like to see you in a future ban appeal. In line with the ban, your edits on the PvE and Survival servers have been rolled back.

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Hey man. I live with Forever_A_Steve. Unfortunately due to his rollback all of our chests are gone. Even the enderchest. That's kinda unfair to me because I did nothing wrong. Is there any way you can bring back just the chests, if anything? Also, it's a bit of a stretch, but is there any possibility of a shorter sentence? He's good for it. I'll vouch for him. He's a good guy and I'm sure you taught him a lesson and he won't do it again. This is his first offence. He wasn't x-raying ores, just finding caves.

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Hey man. I live with Forever_A_Steve. Unfortunately due to his rollback all of our chests are gone. Even the enderchest. That's kinda unfair to me because I did nothing wrong. Is there any way you can bring back just the chests, if anything? Also, it's a bit of a stretch, but is there any possibility of a shorter sentence? He's good for it. I'll vouch for him. He's a good guy and I'm sure you taught him a lesson and he won't do it again. This is his first offence. He wasn't x-raying ores, just finding caves.


Unfortunately the rollback is a consequence of using an xray exploit. We do not offer shorter or longer ban durations for an instance of xray, other than 1 month set. Thank you for replying here as someone who knows Forever_A_Steve, despite this ban I can see how much of a positive influence he is within the community.


Should you have any further concerns, please open a pm with me. I'm keeping this topic open as a reminder to unban on 7th August. Forever_A_Steve, you're welcome to reply back in this appeal to remind me / anyone else to unban you on that date too.

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