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UNP [buzzie71]


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I'm wondering if I can be unbanned now, seeing as the 3 month ban length I was given has expired a little over a month ago. I've been forced to make a new forum account as that was banned at the same time. If that could be released as well, that'd be awesome.

Here's the relevant ban length post from buzzie71: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3262-unp-buzzie71/?p=25807

Worth noting is the fact that in that thread he said after the length is up to contact the admin email to get unbanned on the forum. I did that, and it went entirely without reply and to date, my UNP forum account is still banned.

Thank you.

Edited by UNP1
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I've rechecked my emails and have not seen anything related to your unban at all, save for an email that I received about 2-3 hours ago at time of writing.  Maybe the email was sent to the wrong address or it just got lost somewhere? :S


Before you are unbanned, I'd like to reiterate the instructions I left you with upon banning:




On or after June 31, 2015, when you wish to be unbanned, please send an email to admins@nerd.nu to request a forum unban after reading through the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules.  Once that has been granted, make a new appeal mentioning that you have read the rules and will agree to abide by them to be unbanned.


Your forum account is now unbanned - please read through the rules (http://nerd.nu/rules) and post back here stating you will agree to abide by them to continue with the unbanning process for the other Nerd services.

Edited by buzzie71
updated to mention the unbanned forum account
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I think the list of your past bans and notes in your appeal, especially the reason you were banned this time, should speak to the number of chances you have so far been given.  Please keep that and the associated warnings given to you in mind - any similar infractions will very likely lead to a heavier penalty, maybe more so than this one has been.


Otherwise, the new P map is still very young at about 5 hours old; go enjoy the new revision.


You are now unbanned.  Welcome back, be considerate, and play well.

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