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UNP [buzzie71]


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Why redacted? Why does he get admin protection? I see other player names get mentioned all the time. What's different here?

We felt it would be best to remove the name since this ban is for harassment, and we often do this for bans dealing with harassment. 



Ban information: 


Ban for UNP on c.nerd.nu for Harassment nerd.nu/appeal by buzzie71 on 2015-03-31T03:57:21.600 (no more bans, 6 notes)


Please be patient and buzzie71 will be with you as soon as they can.  If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.






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Alright by my count it's been 48 hours, so this is the thread bump.


Can I just say ahead of time that I know what I did was wrong, and because I'm an idiot I did it anyways? I woke up that day feeling like shit (head cold that wouldn't go away) and saw that the person whose name was redacted had been unbanned with no mention of a certain fact, and it managed to push all my "act like a petty idiot" buttons. I knew the rules and I ignored them because I was tired, sick and angry. Not making excuses, just explaining my position.

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Going to post here to say that details of your ban are still being deliberated and I'll post a resolution (hopefully if I don't get too busy ><) in the next day or two.


Alright, I'll await your judgment in the hopes that it won't be too severe.

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Apologies for the delay.
You were banned specifically for harassment via PM.  Relevant logs are below with the player you were conversing with.  Various redactions, including the name of the player in question who is referred to as "P1" in this post, are made because they have the potential to cause harmful social repurcussions for the player.  This is not a new practice - past harassment appeals similarly conceal player names and other sensitive information.

2015-03-30 20:50:40 | [UNP -> P1] also, great [removed]. You totally don't look like a creepy, somewhat moist, skinny dweeb.
2015-03-30 20:51:57 | [UNP -> P1] I should get a betting pool going on whether you'll become a serial killer or a rapist.
2015-03-30 20:52:02 | [UNP -> P1] your look suggests either
2015-03-30 20:52:12 | [UNP -> P1] so maybe "both" is the correct choice?
2015-03-30 20:54:06 | [UNP -> P1] also, lovely [removed]. I'd be stunned rigid if you'd ever ACTUALLY
2015-03-30 20:54:12 | [UNP -> P1] interacted with a woman in the sexual sense
2015-03-30 20:54:15 | [UNP -> P1] at least consensually 

Your messages to this player show that you used personal and incriminating information on other services outside of this server to insult and shame the player in their face.  Harassment, personal attack, stalking, whatever anyone decides to call it, it's uncivil and highly unacceptable.  The severity of this borders on doxxing.


To be clear: you are free to dislike whoever you choose for whatever reason you choose, but you are not free to insult anyone to this degree, whether you believe they deserve it or not.  The latter act is why you are banned.


Prior to this, you have been muted at least twice in the last six months for persisting in disruptive chat topics in global chat after being asked to either move discussion elsewhere or drop the topic.  You have been warned once about harassment through private messages.  


In light of the circumstances leading to this ban and your relevant history, and in consultation with the head admins and the Community Interaction Policy, the ban length is set for 3 months.  During this time you are banned from all Nerd.Nu services (including IRC, Mumble, and the forums).  On or after June 31, 2015, when you wish to be unbanned, please send an email to admins@nerd.nu to request a forum unban after reading through the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules.  Once that has been granted, make a new appeal mentioning that you have read the rules and will agree to abide by them to be unbanned.


For reference, note/ban history is included below:


Ban for unp on c.nerd.nu for Homophobia [removed] - http://nerd.nu/appeal by skuld on 2011-11-12 16:49:25,unbanned 2014-10-18 https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2674-unp-skuld/
Ban for unp on c.nerd.nu for Homophobia on Pve nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2015-02-21T09:47:55.936, unbanned upon appeal https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3116-unp-trooprm32/
Note #40255 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: (cont'd) circumventing caps spam filter by schererererer on 2015-03-24T05:35:25.462 
Note #40254 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: muted for disrupting chat after 3 warnings, verbal abuse toward players/staff, by schererererer on 2015-03-24T05:34:49.435 
Note #40061 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: Muted for cussing at other player in chat, being a dick, and calling everyone stupid by jchance on 2015-02-26T23:35:27.276 
Note #38741 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: Muted for 1 week, until Nov 29th. by Trooprm32 on 2014-11-22T21:12:41 
Note #38592 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: warned about minor harassment via messaging other players by schererererer on 2014-11-08T07:04:45
Note #38586 for UNP on c.nerd.nu: Warned repeatedly for inappropriate topics in chat. by Sapphric on 2014-11-07T17:56:15

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