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leemur89 [Zomise]


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Hello leemur89. You were banned for repeated griefing, not for making a farm grinder.


You were previously warned for general grief and a second warning for killing a snow golem.





Today you killed another user's sheep and edited their animal pens without permission. On top of that you did melon block spam on another person's road.












Do you have comments before I decide your ban length?

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  On 9/4/2015 at 2:16 PM, leemur89 said:

I had permission from nos to build? I accidently killed his sheep. thats my bad.


He doesn't view it that way. You did not have permission to edit his builds nor kill his animals. I checked with him. Also you did not comment on the block spam on the road.



  On 9/4/2015 at 2:16 PM, leemur89 said:

Can I have evidence of snowman grief?


The evidence is already there, please look at the screenshots. You also received a /warn from that one.


Am I to understand this so that you do not think you've been griefing?

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  On 9/4/2015 at 4:13 PM, leemur89 said:

What snow golem are you talking about? please highlight it. If you are going to say I had ample warning please explain snow golem grief.


As shown on the screenshot, it is the snow golem that was in a fenced area in the end. The coordinates are also shown in the screenshot, so that should not be unclear to you. Logs show you killed the snow golem with your fist, which is evident in the screenshot. This is griefing on P. Is there something still unclear about this?


The warn given to you:



Zomise ----> /warn leemur89 Do not kill other player's snow golems. It's griefing.




You also received the following warnings and notes from another mod:




Weazol ----> /addnote leemur89 warned for general grief on pve


Weazol ----> /warn leemur89 You must not edit other players' builds without permission.

Weazol ----> /warn leemur89 Do not steal blocks. There is no such thing as an "abandoned" build.
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In addition here's proof that you saw the warn messages:



2015-09-02 08:28:16 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings

2015-09-02 08:28:26 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings clear 1
2015-09-02 17:04:48 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings
2015-09-02 17:19:44 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings
2015-09-02 17:19:59 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings clear 1
2015-09-04 00:00:00 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings
2015-09-04 00:00:15 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings clear 1
2015-09-04 00:00:23 | CH: Running original command on player leemur89 ----> /warnings clear 1


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Hi, I just wanted to also add that you griefed some on S just today, you tunneled into the inner workings of an auto farm, breaking several glass panes and pistons along the way. You also destroyed some redstone and glass, and some wall on an arena. In fact, as far as I can tell you've had nothing but griefing, besides some replanting of crops.


Additionally I'm told Bluuefuzzy /warn'd you previously for grief on S, although did not see fit to add a note for it at the time.


This is still Zomise's appeal of course, and I don't mean to butt in, just to add more info.


Small edit: the warn for grief by Bluue was on P, not S.

Edited by zburdsal
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Your mumble message:




hey zomise, go ahead and drop the ban if you need to. I'm done trying to appeal. Sorry. Wont happen again.


Your ban length is 4 days for repeated griefing. On September 8th 2015 please reply here that you've read the rules and quote the rules you've broken and I'll unban you.

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