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ppgome [Hollifer]


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I, PPGOME have spammed chat by (attempting to) counting from 4000 to 0 because i was bored. After that, i bypassed the mute with /me and was banned for doing so. I have read the rules and agree with them. I am sorry for the spam, and i will try not t spam again.


Your Banned Buddy,


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Thanks for taking the time to read through the rules. I appreciate you addressing the ban at hand and dealing with it appropriately, however I would like to shed a little light on past events.

 Ban for ppgome on c.nerd.nu for Bypassing mutes after being muted and warned twice for spam nerd.nu/appeal by Hollifer on 2016-03-06T23:18:15.831 (no more bans, 11 notes)

While not stated [in the ban message] your ban was an accumulation ban, not just for this one instance of bypassing the mute you were given.

You've had quite the record over the last two revs, and it's very alarming how much you have to be reminded by staff to follow these rules.


Of your 11 notes, 6 are for grief.

We take grief very seriously, and it's not fun for any person involved to deal with. You have shown in the past that you have not learned from your mistakes, or simply do not take these warnings seriously.

I do not know any way to get you to take this seriously, except by assuring you that any occurrence of this in the future will result in longer and longer bans for each case.


4 are chat related 


On the 5th of March, in PvP, you were given 2 notes for using homophobic language in chat.

This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable, as you uttered an offensive term 3 times in chat. I know for a fact that you're aware this is against the rules, and truly expect better out of a regular player. 


Two separate cases where you have spammed chat or PM's of another player. When you are asked to stop, we mean it. Other players spamming does not make it ok for you to spam, it's still against the rules.
In the case where you were banned for: You not only disregarded a warning, but also various PM's by a staff member. Afterwards you purposely bypassed the mute to spam even more, and also blurt out in all chat how. This is extremely disrespectful.

The other note was for building phallic objects

It seems that somehow despite reading through the rules supposedly you managed to miss rule 1.

We have also found cases of various instances where you are asking players to join your server. Not as a friend, but in a way that resembles advertising or bribing to multiple users, ( and straight out mentioning in all-chat)

This is a rule on our server for a reason, and you are not 'above the law' in any way by owning your own personal server.

Stop. If you want to be a part of our community, play here and have fun, if you do not--then play on your own server.



In the end, i'd like to see you come back more aware of your actions, and far more respectful of the rules. As mentioned before, you will only get one warning next time you break a rule, then you will be banned, each time this happens your ban length will increase. Once you're done reading this, and addressing these issues that i've mentioned above, i'd like to see a statement showing you really do understand the rules, and also understand future consequences of breaking them.





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