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PvE June Blog Post!


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Howdy folks, it’s time for the first ever PvE Blog Post! The purpose of this blog post is to give some insight to things we are working on and to gather community feedback. We plan on doing one of these every month for this Revision.

Skeleton Traps
Based off the community feedback poll HERE we have gone ahead and changed how trap spawning works. Skeleton horses have not been limited, but their now is a chance to spawn different kinds of traps (such as blazes riding ghasts). This gives more variety to traps while also helps reduce lag by not having swarms of skeleton horses.

Powered Flight
We have heard some requests for powered flight to make a return. We are open to this idea but this would obviously be considerably overpowered, and we would love to hear some ideas and suggestions on how we could implement this on P in a balanced manner.

The first admin hunt took place a few weeks ago and the admins were a bit OP. For the July admin hunt the admins will be significantly nerfed and will also have more loot. We are also working on an Arena called “FortWars” where players build forts out of blocks and fight each other. We hope to have the date announced for this soon, but it’ll be happening very early July. Speaking of July, we hope to have something explosive for everyone on the 4th!

We are trying to do more admin hunts and events this revision and would love to hear any suggestions you guys may have.

Xray Rollbacks
We have been doing this for a while now but never properly announced it. If a player you are working with or is in your town and gets rolled back for xray, they will remain banned for a month. However if their rollback affects a significant portion of a group project you can place a /modreq and the admins will evaluate and determine if a portion of it can be restored.

Fun Stats
Most skeleton horses spawned in one trap: 137
Highest highest tier golem spawners: 6
Top 3 players with most diamond ore mined: Ted_Owl: 466, EvilStepDad: 413, RokuCXVII: 359
First nether portal to be lit: Solace
First /place: Orion
Custom spawners to still be found: 2 Overworld, 1 Nether
Lowest server tps reached: 5.20
Max amount of RAM used: 20.15GB (all servers)

Have some suggestions for some fun stats you’d like to see in the next blog post? Let me know!

Hope you guys enjoyed the blog post and some insights into what is upcoming to PvE. Please feel free to leave any comments or feedback!


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