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Rev 19 PvE Changelog


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Hey folks, the purpose of this thread is to provide a list of changes/events/other things that the PAdmins are doing to/in/for PvE to keep you guys in the loop of what is going on.

PvE Revision 19 Changelog:


[27th December]

  • Doppleganger names are no longer case sensitive.


                             [28th December]

  • Updated the Iron Grinder Spawner post on the subreddit for clarity -December 28th
  • Updated the Rev 19 Info Post to include update on Iron Golem Spawners and ability to purchase and upgrade. Dec 28th


[30th December]


[31st December]


[1st January]

  • [Reminder] Here are all of our active custom recipes.


[2nd January]


[4th January]

  • [Clarity] Defiex has added a section on the PvE Information guide to clarify claiming and placement of custom spawners.
  • The process hasn't changed, merely made clearer.


[7th January]

  • Added safeboxes to three locations inside the end and two inside the nether to prevent people with poor connections incorrectly teleporting to the overworld locations of the portals inside the other respective dimensions, resulting in death.


[11th January]


  • Due to a request in chat forwarded to us, we've reviewed and added the 'Better PvP "Fair Play"' mod with restricted usage to the approved client mod list.


[12th January]

  • Due to the prevalence of iron grinders since the introduction of purchasable spawners, the four places (IronGrinder-NE / SE / SW & NW) have been removed.


                             [15th January]


                             [20th January]


                              [23rd January]

  • Horse pvp damage has been disabled.
    • This will be primarily noticeable during future admin hunts.


                               [25th January]


                               [26th January]

  • The EasyRider section of the information guide has been updated to reflect the changes to EasyRider.
  • The custom recipes section of the information guide now includes images for easier dissemination.


                               [2nd February]

  • P updated to 1.11.2.
  • Animal spawning has been increased to help boost natural spawns for the new mob, llamas.
  • We've added an update FAQ to the wiki.


                              [5th February]

  • Plugin BeastMaster added to restore wither skeleton spawning in the nether to 1.10 values.


                               [6th February]


                               [14th February]


                               [15th February]


                                [21st February]


                                [14th March]


                                [17th March]


                                 [6th April]

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Guest Former Staff

[27th December]

  1. Doppleganger names are no longer case sensitive.

[30th December]

  1. Totemo has updated the P admin doppelgangers to include my ugly mug. This means that four P admins will spawn when using doppelgangers.
    1. For spelling, the current P admins are; Barlimore, cujobear, defiex & Sapphric.

  2. Winter resource pack has been removed, Santa and Elves are gone for this year & the snow effect has disappeared.
  3. Creepocalypse is active on P as of this time.
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Guest Former Staff

[7th January]

  1. Added safeboxes to three locations inside the end and two inside the nether to prevent people with poor connections incorrectly teleporting to the overworld locations of the portals inside the other respective dimensions, resulting in death.
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Guest Former Staff

[12th January]

  • Due to the prevalence of iron grinders since the introduction of purchasable spawners, the four places (IronGrinder-NE / SE / SW & NW) have been removed.
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