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Proposed Staff Inactivity Process


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Please find below our proposed process for dealing with inactivity within our staff team. This process has undergone an initial discussion period amongst all staff, and is now appearing in the Public Mod Forum for a final review. If there are no requested amendments, we will enact this as it stands, in one week.


Proposed Staff Inactivity Process


1. Determine definitively inactive staff members using the current metrics and move them to the inactive list, as we do now. Ensure short-term absence is accounted for by checking the inactivity thread in the Public Mod Forum.


2. Create a follow-up list of staff that don’t appear to be keeping pace with their peers, given the evidence available, including admin staff (who should be active in an admin capacity relevant to their role).


3. Contact these staff members individually to ensure there are no barriers to their activity.


4. Arrange to remove these barriers where possible. For example, a staff member may need training to complete specific types of modreqs. Where barriers are insurmountable (such as long term commitments in real life) arrange to move the staff member to inactive.


5. Re-evaluate the relevant staff members at the next activity window (8 weeks):


a. Moderators with little or no perceived change in activity levels: Head admins will create a post in the admin forum asking for viewpoints, and any additional information on the staff member (other admins may know more about work done in other areas, such as dev servers, and including the whole admin team allows a more assured sense of fair-play for moderators). Leave a week for comment, then where there is no comment, or corroborating comments for a staff member, move them to inactive. Staff members with further supporting information from other admins move into an additional period of review.


b. Admins with little or no perceived change in activity levels: Head admins will contact the relevant admin team and ask for viewpoints and additional information, then proceed as is appropriate to the situation. Where this is a head admin, it is the duty of other head admins to follow this procedure, and where that is not demonstrably taking place, it is the duty of any admin to instead make an activity post in the admin forums, in line with moderator procedure above.


This allows approximately eight weeks to gauge activity (as it is now), then eight weeks for a staff member under review to assess and adapt their situation if they so choose.


Thanks for reading,



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