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Update on how the servers are


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Hello all, I have taken a long break from this community because minecraft bored me and so did many of the people who were around when I decided to leave.


I've had a bit of a flick through the threads and topics on this site to get an idea of where the community is at now and I was wondering If I could pose a couple of questions to see if it were worth coming back


P.S If this kind of post is against the rules, I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of the loop.




Is the server still active or are the numbers thinning?

What voice chat does the server use now? (mumble was empty)

Is tobylane still here?

Who are the current admins?

Have you guys become even more anal about rule enforcement?

Is survival still dead and forgotten?

Are people still arguing over the old days of nerd.nu (which by the way, kicked ass)

Are mods still horridly unequipped to deal with simple issues in game such as land disputes and teleporting people and mobs when they get trapped?

Has the age demographic of C.NERD moved past the very early teens?

Is nerd.nu virtually dead?


That's all the questions I have, I hope somebody will be willing to answer. Researching all this stuff myself would be exhausting. 



Cheers, - Bad Apple


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Guest Former Staff

Have you guys become even more anal about rule enforcement?

P.S If this kind of post is against the rules, I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of the loop.


All posts questioning the rules are against the rules(!)

Joking aside, I'll take a few moments to try and answer the rest of your questions.



Is the server still active or are the numbers thinning?

Is survival still dead and forgotten?

Is nerd.nu virtually dead?


Numbers certainly aren't what they were from several years ago but for the moment they are reasonably consistent during the peaks and troughs of respective revisions. With some advertising efforts, we still see a number of new people joining us. Survival was turned off in September 2015 (iirc) and was brought back under the renamed PvP server from March until July 2016 when the server was not bringing in people and was closed.

We do have a solid core community who remain and is growing at a steady pace.


Who are the current admins?

All of the current admins (and moderators) can be viewed here.


Has the age demographic of C.NERD moved past the very early teens?

I'm probably not the best person to ask on this as I spend my time on P but from what I've seen, the creative server has added new people of the teenage age group. While that does entail a certain amount of silliness at times, the people there are very warm and welcoming.


Is tobylane still here?

Are people still arguing over the old days of nerd.nu (which by the way, kicked ass)


Tobylane is still here as are quite a number of older faces. That said, there are a lot of newer faces too and we're all making a new kind of history together rather than arguing over old days. There's certainly times where some of us reminisce though!


What voice chat does the server use now? (mumble was empty)

Mumble is still the primary voice chat service for nerd, although we do have a discord in parallel which is much more text-based for our usage. From what I understand though, a number of people use mumble during peak hours but a number of people also just use their own voice chat services for more privacy too.


Are mods still horridly unequipped to deal with simple issues in game such as land disputes and teleporting people and mobs when they get trapped?


Moderators can provide assistance in a large number of ways, such as when people are trapped. Land disputes are usually left for server admins to mediate though (we aim to address those requests as swiftly as possible).


I hope this answers all of your questions, I think I caught them all.

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