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Revision 21 Changelog PvE


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Guest Former Staff

September 22nd

  • Revision 21 has launched!
  • Padmin doppels have now been updated to reflect Cujo's upcoming move. The following doppels will qualify for the padmin doppels: Barlimore, defiex & Sir_Didymus.
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Guest Former Staff

September 27th

  • All padmin doppelgangers are now correctly spawning all three padmins.
  • Golem Souls will now play an audio noise when dropping, as well as a minor experience drop as a visual signal.
  • Mapworld is available on /place - Mapworld spawn plot signs have been fixed to allow you to warp to any plot and we have restored the completed maps into the spawn plots. We have readded the mapworld maps into the spawn plots too.
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Guest Former Staff

September 29th

  • We have responded to the latest suggestion-box suggestion here.
    • Related: Empty minecarts will now slow down so that you don't need to chase them to the end of the line.
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Guest Former Staff

September 30th

  • [Easyrider Update] All newly locked horses will start with a jump level of 4, in order to clear one block high fences. Any existing horses below level 4 will recalculate upon leveling.
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Guest Former Staff

September 30th

  • We held our first padmin team meeting of the revision an hour ago. Here are the public meeting notes from that meeting:


  • We started by sharing our experiences of how the reset have gone, both the good and bad.

    • Diving into specifics, we discussed the issues that both ourselves and others in the community had experienced. Each of these issues was documented ready to be added to our project-management tool (trello) for revision 22.

      • For any ongoing issues, we have discussed the current solutions in play, such as the slow lighting fix, rather than several days of downtime to fix the issue.

      • We've noted some areas that have the potential to cause issues later in the rev, such as with land claim sizes, lag from larger portals and golem soul attainability and will be keeping an eye out for problems.

      • We discussed expanding upon the use of golem souls. The current plan is to present our suggestion in more detail among ourselves before involving the community for the decision-making.

  • We looked over any open suggestion box tasks from this revision and noted down the suggestions which have already been actioned. We plan to follow-up with the tech admins who are working on a feature for us which ties into a suggestion-box response we’re due to respond to soon.

  • We agreed to continue a two-week blackout from working on any significant projects, this way we can stay focused on modreqs and general reactionary tasks, while also allowing us a chance to enjoy the early revision a bit. We will resume projects following our next meeting on the following weekend.

  • We discussed the possibility of adding a fourth padmin. We decided the latest timeframe that we would want to add a fourth padmin should an individual seem compatible. For the moment, we are not moving any further forward on this.

  • We looked over our staff meeting notes for the upcoming staff meeting taking place on Saturday 4:30 Eastern Time.

  • We looked into the status of where end grinders would fit into being publicly accessible for kills / drops as we had previously overlooked this. We have decided that these will be enforced to be 100% public as not to cause conflicts within the end particularly for spawning rates and will update the information guide and changelog to reflect this soon.

  • We discussed including usernames on mapworld spawn plots of the plot owners.

  • We discussed land claims in the context of an individual wishing to pass through / around / under them. Ultimately we discussed from recent examples where we would like to encourage both parties to communicate with one another in these situations.

  • We have assigned one of our team to updating our team-only trello board which helps us keep on track of tasks throughout the revision.

  • We updated some of our internal documentation to speed up the handle times of certain admin requests.

  • We have settled on a temporary marker for rail stations (as visible for the Spawn Station currently), however this marker is easy to miss on a rendered map so we will be looking to choose a replacement. We also discussed expanding places to include arenas in future.

  • We discussed an upcoming feature request that is currently with the tech admins which will improve navigation in the nether.

  • We discussed offering more involvement in community-run events on P. We will follow-up with a post on the details and expectations.

  • We approved changes we will seek to make for the upcoming seasonal holidays at spawn.

  • We confirmed that our moderator training area has been fully prepared and is ready for training new moderators up within, as well as offering refreshers for existing moderators.

  • We confirmed that we plan to release ore distribution details within the first month of the revision.

  • We confirmed plans to run a community-contributed event in future which will result in all death messages being updated.

  • We confirmed the moderators still awaiting P specific training, including our latest moderator.

  • We discussed our plan B for Halloween, which will not be Halloween themed as not to conflict with another event using the same time slot. The event we intend to release around Halloween will be intended to last the revision and encourage groups of people to survive together…

  • We confirmed that these meeting notes would be made public a.s.a.p.

  • And finally we confirmed that our next padmin meeting would be on Sunday of the following weekend.




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Guest Former Staff

October 1st

  • The spawn plot in mapworld now has the names of region owners visible when hovering over the maps in item frames.
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Guest Former Staff

October 1st

  • End grinders have been included in the 100% public only category for grinder guidelines. The information post, guide and help files have been updated to reflect this.
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