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PixelFox64 [defiex]

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Hello PixelFox64,

I am the Head Admin that banned you, again, for posting videos that we have asked the player base at large not to post.  This go around, you posted three short videos with loud screaming and a racist-leaning video. None of which are welcome here at NerdNu. 

If you do not wish to be banned every time you post something in the Wholesomememes channel, I suggest you take a moment, to read the rules and actually review the pinned note on the wholesomememes channel before posting. I have inserted an image down below of where you can find the pinned note. I have PM'd you twice on Discord with a link to the rules and my previous ban also had a link to the general rules for the entire NerdNu community.

Here are the links to the videos you recently posted that I placed the ban for. This does not include the images that were removed by other moderators.





I am setting your ban at one week since this is not your first ban for the same issue.  You may reappeal after the week is up if you have not been unbanned.


pinned messages.png

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