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shanty_sniper [gk_ryo]


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got banned for making modreqs, first modreq got closed although escalated tagged, then i made reply modreqs as well as an additional modreq to match original, i got warned for making multiple when multiple would not have been made unless the escalation request was respected, this shouldnt of been done, additionally just looking at modreq listings, i see plenty of previous actual duplicate modreqs nto targeted like this. When it comes to the discord ban, i didnt break the rules and called out when a staff member was picking to find something yet again, which has made me feel increasingly harassed and frustrated at unclear messaging and my patience with it is done, which i already expressed before, so on that note: 

fuck the queen and the uda x

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only thing in question of fault on my behalf is making 3 multiple modreqs (not 5, we cant include the first since it was closed my a mod, when it was to be escalated) and the last modreq was regarding the warning that was placed on me, not a multiple, yes there is questions about if the mod in question acted too brash compared others when handling this, and yes we can keep on asking them, but a mods within their right to kick/ban after a warning is given, tho most would not ban like this, it has happened, but rare, and for that i must say whoops on the 3 multiple modreqs (tho i think its understood now that if the first req was just escalated instead of closed, like asked, this wouldnt of happened), when it comes to the discord, i expect all staff to adhere from the policy that was agreed around memes from now on, as should have been to begin with, members get punished for not adhering to the rules and policies, then so must the staff on the basis of impartiality. 

go raibh maith agat

Edited by shanty_sniper
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Modreq is meant for in-game help, not for discussing things on Discord or bans. There will be times when you won't be able to reach an admin right away. We do have lives, and don't always look at discord during the day. Asking for a modreq to reach an admin for out-of-game events won't get people's attention any faster, as I hope you realize now. Sometimes, you just have to be patient and wait another hour or two. You're unbanned, but next time you feel like an injustice might have been done, take a little time to reach out in the proper channels first before you react as strongly as you did yesterday.

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