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Citlalin [assasymphoni]


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Perfunctory appeal to ban for "misusing modreqs".

I'm not going to apologize for anything and I don't expect this appeal to be approved—that is fine.

Feel free to delete this forum account as well as I don't expect I will be using it ever again.

Have a nice day.

Edited by Citlalin
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Hello Citlalin,

You were initially muted for persistent discussion of graphic violence in general chat, despite staff attempts to encourage a topic change. A record of the relevant chat messages is below. Before staff could finish typing out a message explaining the temporary mute, you began using modreqs to hurl abuse at staff. You were warned that this was a misuse of modreqs and that further modreqs would result in a three-day ban. The third modreq resulted in the ban, as warned.

Your ban will last three days, and be lifted on February 8th, 2022.


2022-02-05 12:57:04 [INFO] <Citlalin> it's a shame that the renting poor dont get angry and start burning landlords and their families at the stake.
2022-02-05 12:58:04 [INFO] <Citlalin> I would tie them to a stake and make them watch as I burned their wife and kids and dog and whatnot. Then once finished I'd take them off the stake and torture them to death over a period of some months.
2022-02-05 12:58:33 [INFO] <Citlalin> landlords entire business is based on making others poor. Fuck them.
2022-02-05 12:59:52 [INFO] <Citlalin> I wish they would aggressively regulate and audit landlords' accounts. They get to charge enough to cover expenses plus make a reasonable amount of profit. Charging past that should land them in prison for 20 years.
2022-02-05 13:00:27 [INFO] <Citlalin> and as I said, if up to me I would just staple their eyelids open and force them to watch their families burn to death
2022-02-05 13:01:20 [INFO] <Citlalin> I have to pay rent tomorrow and I want to fucking choke the life out of this overstuffed fat fuck piece of dog shit
2022-02-05 13:01:31 [INFO] <Citlalin> I want to choke him and feel his pulse slow and stop 2022-02-05 13:01:48 [INFO] <Citlalin> sometimes I wish!
2022-02-05 13:02:14 [INFO] <Citlalin> austria is fucked, though
2022-02-05 13:02:31 [INFO] <Citlalin> what with the vax mandate they have, and basically criminalizing the unvaccinated
2022-02-05 13:03:25 [INFO] <Citlalin> I'm going to throw the check at him and tell his fat fuck ass to go put it towards a fucking boat that I hope sinks
2022-02-05 13:03:41 [INFO] <Citlalin> I hope that fuckoff dies in a car accident. fuck landlords.
2022-02-05 13:03:56 [INFO] <Citlalin> I'll say it again, I hope he goddamn dies.



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The problem is that there was *nothing wrong* with the original discussion.  Also, "attempt to encourage a topic change" is not the same as *ordering* a topic change, and it is also not a warning.  If you're going to play at administering something as complicated as an online gaming community you should be able to recognize such basic distinctions.

Powertrip, powertrip, POWERTRIP.

3 days?  Hell.  Make it 30.

And to be clear. NOT SORRY.  I make no apologies here.  Yet another powertripping, terrible administrator.  Do everyone a favor, spare us, and resign.  The first three letters of your name?  Apt.  Apt!  So very, very apt!

Edited by Citlalin
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2022-02-05 12:58:04 [INFO] <Citlalin> I would tie them to a stake and make them watch as I burned their wife and kids and dog and whatnot. Then once finished I'd take them off the stake and torture them to death over a period of some months.


If you truly think that there's nothing wrong with that statement, then you are on the wrong server. Appeal denied, please find somewhere else to play.

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