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1073 [totemo]


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Today, you stole honey blocks from a bee farm, and emerald and iron blocks from beacon bases. You also broke a few other blocks placed by other players.

You have previously been warned for grief by us (in 2020). You were told to read the rules then. You apparently did not, because if you did, you would know that there are absolutely no circumstances under which you are permitted to modify other player's builds without their consent. Unprotected farms would be the only situation where there is any leeway, and you must replant those in full (which you apparently did not, according to your trace).

Please read the rules now: https://nerd.nu/rules


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I understand I stole those iron blocks and emerald blocks before I read the rules. I thought anything out of unclaimed land was fair game so I was just taking some things to help get me started but once I found the trading hall I realized how useless it was. I understand if I deserve a ban but I would still love to play in the future. 

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I did a full rollback (undo) of all of your edits.

I would have been within my rights to wipe your inventory completely. As it was, I have confiscated the blocks I mentioned, but I left the diamond armour and tools because villager trading makes that stuff effectively worthless.

I will unban you within the next 10 minutes. If there are more problems, there will be a longer ban next time.


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