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Citlalin[defiex] Ban appeal

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  • Citlalin changed the title to [defiex] Ban appeal
  • defiex changed the title to Citlalin[defiex] Ban appeal

Good morning Citlalin,

Thank you for posting after the 18th.  I have unbanned you since you have said you have re-read the rules. 

Please note that due to your history, if there is any further issues -minor or major- you will be permanently banned. This is your last chance to play nicely with our community.  You have been spoken to in the past on a myriad of topics.  If you are unsure about any of these issues, please reach out to a head admin via this forum. (defiex, fazaden, pez252)



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Posted (edited)

if there is any further issues -minor or major-

This could be literally anything.  Too vague.  Honestly, if we're really going this far then I'm not even going to bother to try.

Edited by Citlalin
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