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I was ban for homophobia, grief and racism. considering people are openly aloud to talk about being gay i should openly be able to talk about religion. also racism not sure about that one. harassment  im assuming because i said everyone is born with sin. was not being prejudice. griefing i assume because i was trying to get my items back in nether i broke blocks to get to my stuff which was burned. if it isnt in your best interest to unban me no hard feelings. much thanks for the fun i was able to have and new friends i was able to make unfortunately that may  be over. all things in life i suppose must come to an end.... 

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You were banned due to multiple repeat violations of our server's rules, as you said above; homophobia, grief, and racism.

The homophobia was you in chat today during a discussion on same-sex relationships. Nothing in the logs seems to imply you were just discussing your faith in, well, good faith. There's a distinct difference between discussing your faith versus trying to force it down people's throats. Gay people don't harm you in any way, so what's wrong with them simply existing? You essentially equate homosexuality to murder in this chat message from today:

2024-09-26 18:42:11 [INFO] <GAMEMASTERop> steal, lie, murder, gay, bias, all forms of sin


The racism occurred immediately after a player, who was Chinese, joined the server and was having some difficulties communicating.

2024-09-17 01:59:05 [INFO] <ddyx6> i am china
2024-09-17 01:59:10 [INFO] <GAMEMASTERop> ahhhh
2024-09-17 01:59:39 [INFO] <GAMEMASTERop> theyre eating the cats and dogs

To which you tried to defend it with...

2024-09-17 02:01:27 [INFO] [STDOUT] [GAMEMASTERop -> PPGOME] why it wasnt racist it was a trump quote

I don't even understand your attempt at a defense there as the original comment from Donald Trump was inherently racist. You knowingly used that comment in that context and proceeded to get all angry in chat about how the staff team is full of fascists after the fact. You agreed to our rules when you started playing on the server, and rules clearly state that this stuff is against the rules and will be moderated.


Lastly, your grief. You've already been given 2 notes for grief and more was found just before and also after your ban.

Below is an image of scaffolding you broke that was the access to one of the server's gold and froglight farms:


(Small snip-it of the logs)


There was also the goat in Solace that you had killed a couple of weeks prior, along with the variety of other minor grief done in this area like blocking off water drops that ended up killing players and some general cosmetic grief.

The other grief mentioned by your notes weren't very specific as to what was actually done, but this grief goes back at least a month, has been occurring on a regular basis, and you still haven't stopped despite numerous warnings.


As for your ban, you will remain banned for 1 week. This means that I will unban you at 6:00pm EDT on Thursday, October 3rd. Before you're unbanned, you will need to read the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/ and reply to this thread stating that you have done so once you actually have. Future bans will increase in length if you don't follow these rules, so please make sure that you understand them all.

If you have any questions pertaining to this ban, don't hesitate to reply to this thread.

Thank you,


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